
mental health

10 Reasons Why Moms Struggle With Out Of Control Emotions // Episode 130

Moms cannot enjoy family life without learning to manage their out of control emotions. These 10 tips will help you get things under control. Moms, Jesus, and our out of control emotions Yes, even Christian moms struggle with their emotional control. But did you know that there is a REASON you are struggling? In fact, […]

10 Reasons Why Moms Struggle With Out Of Control Emotions // Episode 130 Read More »

Does It Really Matter To Your Family Relationships If You Have Good Emotional Self Control? // Episode 129

Your emotional self control is impacting your Christian family every day. Here’s how, plus tips for what to do about it. How is your emotional self control? Do you ever feel like your emotions are a bit out of control? Most of us feel this way from time to time… or, let’s be honest, maybe

Does It Really Matter To Your Family Relationships If You Have Good Emotional Self Control? // Episode 129 Read More »

Good Bible Verses For Depression: A Look At Psalms 42 and 43 // Episode 128

How does a Christian mom find God when feeling discouraged? Let’s look at two good Bible verses for depression that give wisdom and help. Need some good Bible verses for depression? Maybe I’m crazy for closing out our summertime series with a look at depression… But it’s a part of the psalms, it’s a part

Good Bible Verses For Depression: A Look At Psalms 42 and 43 // Episode 128 Read More »

Keeping A Positive Attitude As A (Busy, Tired, Struggling) Christian Mom: 6 Real-Life Tips To Help // Episode 117

Christian family life can be exhausting, and these 6 real-life tips will help you hold onto a positive attitude even when you’re struggling. Finding a positive attitude Can you enjoy family life when your attitude is crummy? Nope. Your attitude has everything to do with how your home feels, how you engage with your family,

Keeping A Positive Attitude As A (Busy, Tired, Struggling) Christian Mom: 6 Real-Life Tips To Help // Episode 117 Read More »

4 Daily Habits You Need As A Christian Mom To Hold Onto A Godly Mindset // Episode 116

Having a godly mindset will give you purpose and focus during hard seasons of family life. Make sure to build daily habits that reinforce a biblical perspective. daily habits for a biblical perspective Your perspective on life has EVERYTHING to do with how much you enjoy life.  And when you hold onto a Christian mindset,

4 Daily Habits You Need As A Christian Mom To Hold Onto A Godly Mindset // Episode 116 Read More »

How a Christian Mom Can Help Her Child When They Are Struggling With Anxiety, Worry, or Fear // Episode 102

What are we talking about today? There is nothing worse as a mom than watching our kids struggle. And in today’s world, SO MANY of our kiddos are struggling with anxiety! Fear, worry, and anxiety are painful and difficult… but you CAN help your child manage these hard emotions.  Whether your child is a toddler

How a Christian Mom Can Help Her Child When They Are Struggling With Anxiety, Worry, or Fear // Episode 102 Read More »

Walking Through Seasons of Celebration And Sadness in Your Christian Family Relationships // Episode 100

What are we talking about today? We all want happiness in life. We want peace, security, purpose, and fun. But we also promise in our wedding vows “in sickness and in health” for a reason.  Because life will throw curveballs at us.  Life will have its hard seasons. And the reality is, these are often

Walking Through Seasons of Celebration And Sadness in Your Christian Family Relationships // Episode 100 Read More »

Kids Driving You Crazy? These 10 Quick Actions Will Help A Christian Mom Calm Down In 90 Seconds Or Less // Episode 97

What are we talking about today?  I know you love your kids, mama… and I also know that, sometimes, they drive you crazy. That’s just real life! And those feelings of impatience, frustration, and anger make sense. The question is, how do you handle those emotions in the moment? Yes, in an ideal world you’d

Kids Driving You Crazy? These 10 Quick Actions Will Help A Christian Mom Calm Down In 90 Seconds Or Less // Episode 97 Read More »

Christian Mom Burnout Is Real… So How Do You Love Your People Well Even When You’re Worn Out, Exhausted, and Just Not In The Mood? // Episode 95

What are we talking about today? Feeling tired, mama? You’re not alone! We ALL go through seasons of life where we are tired, worn out, and just plain don’t have the energy anymore.  And yet, even in those hard seasons, we don’t want our relationships to suffer. We don’t want to be cranky, grumpy, or

Christian Mom Burnout Is Real… So How Do You Love Your People Well Even When You’re Worn Out, Exhausted, and Just Not In The Mood? // Episode 95 Read More »

How Clutter, Cleanliness, And Spring Cleaning For Mental Health Impact Your Christian Family. // Episode 75

What are we talking about today?  I’m guessing that it is important to you that your family enjoys a peaceful home life. That you want everyone to feel comfortable in your home. That you want to be able to look around the kitchen and the living room and everything in between and have a sense

How Clutter, Cleanliness, And Spring Cleaning For Mental Health Impact Your Christian Family. // Episode 75 Read More »