
The 5 Best Bible Verses For Anxiety & Overwhelm

These are the best Bible verses for anxiety that will help restore your peace, joy, and trust in the Lord.

anxious Christian mom looking down at a garden

Is God really here when I'm dealing with anxiety?

When you’re dealing with anxiety as a Christian, it can have a big impact on your relationship with God.

He might feel absent or mean. But you know what’s really true? He’s here with you, and His Word is filled with the encouragement you need to stop feeling so anxious. 

Today, we’ll take a look at 5 of the best Bible verses for anxiety. In fact, these are verses that I turn to over and over again as a Christian counselor!

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Reading the Bible to help with anxiety

Did you know that anxiety and worry are mentioned a LOT in the Bible? 

We all struggle with hard emotions, and anxiety is definitely a tough one. And the Bible offers a lot of help and wisdom for this struggle.

Really, reading ALL of the Bible will help with your anxiety and worry. After all, the Bible is the best place to learn about who God is and how powerful, good, and loving He is.

READ NEXT: God’s Powerful Promise When You’re Dealing With Anxiety

Because of Jesus’ victory on the cross, issues like anxiety and worry don’t have to control your life any more. There is freedom. You are a new creation in Christ!

But while ALL of the Bible is helpful for dealing with anxiety, it’s worth knowing what the best Bible verses for anxiety are, so you can jump there when you need to.

As a Christian counselor, I think these are these are the 5 best Bible verses for anxiety!

None of these Bible verses are magic wands or somehow better than the rest of the Bible. 

But they are specifically about anxiety. 

And not just about our emotional struggles with anxiety. No, these are Bible verses that point to our hope in Jesus and the action steps that will help us worry less.

READ NEXT: How To Trust God More And Worry Less

Philippians 4:4-8

As a Christian counselor, this is my go-to Bible passage for healing people manage anxiety. 

Not only does God give us a very specific action plan for dealing with anxiety, He promises to give us exactly what we need for it!

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:8)

These verses from Philippians are very realistic and actionable. They admit that anxiety is real, but give us something to do about it!

God does not want you to just sit around feeling anxious.

These verses outline some wonderful things that you can do to help manage your anxiety. Rejoice in the Lord, pray and petition him, be thankful, think about good and admirable things – this passage of Scripture is the biblical cure for anxiety

If you’re struggling with anxiety, this is the place to start.

Psalm 37:1-11

“Do not fret” could be the tagline for every Christian mom. 

Do not fret because of those who are evil… (Psalm 37:1a)

There is so much to “fret” about in this crazy world! If we look around, anxiety makes sense. Social media and the news scare us. Bad things really do happen.

It’s easy to worry. 

And yet, this psalm gives us clear encouragement to not bother with anxiety. And this psalm points to the One who is the reason we don’t need to worry.

God is bigger!

You do not need to be anxious or fear evil, because that will all pass away (verse 2). Worrying about evil things will only lead to evil (verse 8).

This psalm not only encourages us in what not to do (fret, worry) but also gives us guidance in what we should do to help be free of anxiety. We should trust God, praise God, and place our hope in God.

That is the cure for anxiety. Give it to God, and trust that He’s got it.

Matthew 13:18-23

This well-known parable gives us such a powerful picture of how anxiety and worry can harm us. 

If you want to live a life of peace, purpose, and joy, take this parable to heart. Even thinking specifically about family life, we learn so much from this short parable from Jesus!

As the seed is sown along the ground, it only grows depending on what surrounds it. The seed, Jesus tells us later, is the gospel. When you hear the Good News of Jesus’ death and resurrection, what “soil” does it land in?

Anxiety is specifically mentioned as the “thorns” that threaten someone’s joy and peace in life. 

The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. (Matthew 13:22) 

Are the worries of life choking God’s fruit in your life? He wants to fill you with joy, peace, patience, self-control, and so much more goodness (Galatians 5:22). 

This Bible passage is a reality check about how damaging anxiety is.

Don’t allow your anxiety to choke out the gospel in your life.

Pray, confess, ask God for help, and turn to other Scriptures that point you toward what to do to control anxiety and worry in your life.

1 Peter 5:6-11

Many people look simply to the beginning of this short passage when they’re thinking about anxiety. And that makes sense, because it specifically mentions anxiety!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

You can – and should! – cast your anxiety on God. You can trust that He cares for you and wants to help you.

But I think this is one of the best Bible verses for anxiety for even more than verse 6. The whole passage teaches us so much about what helps us manage anxiety in our day-to-day lives!

  • As you cast your anxiety on God, you also humble yourself before him and trust that his plans are better than your plans (verse 5).
  • You can take control of your thought life and find much better success in controlling your anxiety in the process (verse 8).
  • Spending time with God in prayer and deepening your relationship with him helps you resist the lies of Satan (verse 9).

Ultimately, this passage points us to the deepest hope we have when struggling with anxiety and worry. Our hope is in God himself.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” (verses 10-11)

Matthew 6:25-34

It’s pretty clear what this passage is about.

Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life. (Matthew 6:25)

Here, you see a clear call from Jesus: do not worry. But you also find clarity on WHY you don’t need to worry, and what you should do instead.

READ NEXT: A Christian Counselor’s Best Tips For How To Control Anxiety

Jesus does not tell us that the things we worry about are unimportant. He gives examples of food and clothes – the basic necessities of life. 

But whatever you might worry about, Jesus is clear that God is in control, and He is good! If he cares for birds and flowers, He will certainly care for you. 

Instead of worrying, we see a clear call for what to do instead: trust God and seek after Him.

That’s why this is one of the best Bible verses for anxiety. 

It tells us what we SHOULD focus on, so that we can live a life without worry!

Find encouragement in the best Bible verses for anxiety

I hope that these Bible verses have reminded you of God’s faithful love and care for you. Anxiety and worry can be overwhelming. They make it difficult to enjoy family life. 

But God can get you through all of that. He is your peace, hope, and joy. When you’re struggling, turn to him. 

If you need help starting a daily habit of reading God’s Word and drawing near to him in prayer, grab my free Holy Habits 45-Day Bible and Prayer Challenge. It will be a helpful, practical resource to get you more comfortable reading the Bible on your own.

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