Build A Daily Bible Time Habit with The Holy Habits Bible And Prayer Challenge
a free resource with 45 days of Bible readings, questions to guide your study, and prayer prompts to help you build a habit for spiritual growth

grab your free copy here!
Head over to your email to grab your free copy of the Holy Habits Bible & Prayer Challenge.
spiritual growth starts with a daily Bible time
Every Christian wants deeper intimacy with Jesus.
We know He is our source of peace, wisdom, and joy. And we know that the Bible matters and prayer time is important.
But we often get stuck.
The Bible can be confusing. It’s easy to be distracted when we try to pray. And our days can get so busy, it’s hard to make time to sit still and spend time with the Lord.
That’s where the Holy Habits Bible and Prayer Challenge can help.
this 45-day guide includes:
✔️ daily Bible readings, taking you through 45 of the most famous Bible stories and passages
✔️ 4 key questions to use every day, helping you better understand your Bible readings
✔️ a prayer template to help you stay focused and intentional when you pray
✔️ encouragement and help to stay consistent for 45 days… and build a new habit of DAILY Bible time and prayer!
grab this freebie!
Head over to your email to grab your free copy of the Holy Habits Bible & Prayer Challenge.