
devotional time

What Is God’s Role Versus Your Role in Your Christian Family Life? A Look at Psalm 91. // Episode 89

What are we talking about today? Ever struggle with trying to control what’s happening for your family? As Christian moms, we take so much ownership of what’s happening in our marriage, our home, and our children’s lives.  Yes, we need to take those things seriously. Yes, we have responsibilities to our family. But, mama, you […]

What Is God’s Role Versus Your Role in Your Christian Family Life? A Look at Psalm 91. // Episode 89 Read More »

How Do You Find Spiritual Growth… And How Do You Teach Your Kids To Find It Too? Wisdom From Psalm 19. (Summertime in the Psalms Series) // Episode 88

What are we talking about today? I know that as a Christian mom, you want a lot of things for your family – and one of the top ones is spiritual growth. You want intimacy with the Lord. You want to teach your kids who God is and how to love him well. You want

How Do You Find Spiritual Growth… And How Do You Teach Your Kids To Find It Too? Wisdom From Psalm 19. (Summertime in the Psalms Series) // Episode 88 Read More »

Godly Wisdom for the Exhaustion, Struggle, and Loneliness of Christian Family Life, From Psalm 142 // Episode 87

What are we talking about today? Motherhood is exhausting. We often feel isolated, lonely, and we struggle to make it through the harder seasons of family life.  You know what, friend? God gets it.  He understands.  Today, in our Summertime in the Psalms series, we are digging into Psalm 142. We want to better understand

Godly Wisdom for the Exhaustion, Struggle, and Loneliness of Christian Family Life, From Psalm 142 // Episode 87 Read More »

You’re Not In Control, Mama: God Is. A look At What Psalm 139 Teaches Us For Christian Family Life (Summertime in the Psalms Series) // Episode 86

What are we talking about today? Do you trust God? It can be a tricky question. We know the “correct” answer… but we also know the temptation to manage things ourselves, protect our family by our best standards, and get distracted by the things around us. So if you want deeper trust in God’s plan

You’re Not In Control, Mama: God Is. A look At What Psalm 139 Teaches Us For Christian Family Life (Summertime in the Psalms Series) // Episode 86 Read More »

Finding Peace In Your Heart, Home, And Life: Let’s Look At My Favorite 10 Bible Passages About The Peace Of God. // Episode 78

What are we talking about today? We all need more peace in our lives. Even on the best days, we know how easily our hearts can grumble (let alone our kids…) and how easily we can be distracted from the things that are most important to us.  So today, we’re looking at 10 Bible passages

Finding Peace In Your Heart, Home, And Life: Let’s Look At My Favorite 10 Bible Passages About The Peace Of God. // Episode 78 Read More »

A Busy Mom’s Guide To Understanding The Bible, Applying It To Real Life, And Shaping Your Christian Family’s Spiritual Growth // Episode 72

What are we talking about today? If you want spiritual growth or family discipleship, you need to know God’s Word and know how to apply it to your life. Yes, life is busy. I know you’re tired. And I know that you’re trying so hard! I also know that the Bible is your best source

A Busy Mom’s Guide To Understanding The Bible, Applying It To Real Life, And Shaping Your Christian Family’s Spiritual Growth // Episode 72 Read More »

You have to prioritize your OWN faith if you want to have success with family discipleship // Episode 61

What are we talking about today? How is your spiritual growth looking these days, mama? Sometimes, we get so focused on teaching and training our children about the Lord, we forget to invest in our own personal relationship with Him. As moms, we are spiritual leaders of the most precious people on earth – our

You have to prioritize your OWN faith if you want to have success with family discipleship // Episode 61 Read More »

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45

What are we talking about today? How do I stay connected to Jesus when life is crazy busy? This is one of the most common questions that I hear from Christian moms. And I get it! It’s hard to fit everything in and feel like we’re doing it well.  That’s why today, I want to

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45 Read More »