What are we talking about today?
If you want spiritual growth or family discipleship, you need to know God’s Word and know how to apply it to your life. Yes, life is busy. I know you’re tired. And I know that you’re trying so hard!
I also know that the Bible is your best source of wisdom, hope, patience, and encouragement. And if you are a busy Christian mom who wants to lead her family in following Jesus, you can’t do it without diving into the Bible.
So in today’s episode, we’re getting practical. When life is so busy, how can we grab time in God’s Word? When the Bible is confusing, how can we understand what it says? What needs to happen to actually apply God’s wisdom to our everyday family life?
It’s important stuff, my friend! Let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 72:
If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:
- Episode 34 // How can we intentionally shape our family life? Psalm 1 in the Bible gives wisdom and biblical encouragement to the busy mom.
- Episode 45 // My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work)
- Episode 61 // You have to prioritize your OWN faith if you want to have success with family discipleship
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We offer a full line of devotionals tackling common family life struggles, to help you grow in God’s wisdom and peace as you love your family well. From handling anger to finding your identity in Christ, you’ll find a devotional to bless your Christian family today.
Let me also offer a FREE resource that I know will be helpful:
- Developing a daily habit of spending time reading God’s Word and talking to him in prayer is foundational in the life of a busy Christian mom. Grab my free Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge to get started.

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Today's Episode Highlights
If we want spiritual growth or family discipleship, we need to know God’s Word and know how to apply it to our lives.
It’s not complicated… but when life is so busy, it can feel overwhelming and beyond our reach!
Try these 5 steps to help deepen your understanding of the Bible.
Step 1: Pray.
Start by coming before God and asking him to give you wisdom as you read his Word. Ask for his Holy Spirit to fill you and to use this time well.
This can be quick! But it is a helpful step in focusing our thoughts on the Lord. Whether we have five minutes or fifty minutes, we want to use every moment well.
Step 2: Read the Bible.
Yes, commentaries are helpful. Sermons can be uplifting. Books can teach us. But if you want to have spiritual growth and a deep Christian family life, you need to spend more time reading the actual Bible than listening to other people talk about it.
So open the Bible! Sure, it could be an audio Bible on your phone. Just take the time to get into God’s Word.
Be encouraged by the truth of Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:12-13)
If you want to grow, learn, and better disciple your children, it will come through the living and active Word of God.
Step 3: Read more than 1 verse... you need context
When we’re busy, it can be tempting to read a quick verse, find that inspiration or encouragement that we need, and then move on with our day.
But this will not help us really grow in knowing the Lord.
When we read God’s Word, it is most helpful and effective to read it in context. Sit down and read an entire chapter. Or for shorter books, an entire book of the Bible! If you don’t have time for this, read a full paragraph. And then tomorrow… read the next paragraph. Don’t jump around or pull out specific verses right from the start.
When we read Hebrews 4:12-13 above, we can be encouraged and reminding of the power of God’s Word. But in the full context of the chapter, we are reminded of how God has been speaking to his people since the very beginning of creation, and of the incredible importance of the living Word – Jesus Christ. How much more powerful are verse 12-13 when we consider God’s faithfulness to be with his people, speaking to his people, alive with his people!
Step 4: Meditate on what you've read
Sure, there might be days where you can spend a full hour in God’s Word, reading and meditating and reflecting on his wisdom. But even if you only have three minutes, you can read God’s Word and then continue to meditate on it throughout the day.
Write down a favorite verse or a main point and put it on your bathroom mirror. Jot down a question or a take-away and review it at every meal. Reflect on what you learned as you wash dishes, drive to work, clean the bathroom, and take care of your family.
Step 5: Ask questions
As you read the Bible, ask questions! Engage with God about what He is saying. After reading the Bible yourself, it may be helpful to find a book or sermon to help answer some questions. Or, continue praying over your questions and thoughts.
One helpful approach is an Inductive Bible Study. People use different words to describe the three steps of this type of Bible study, but it boils down to:
- Observation: read the passage and identify the basics of what it is saying
- Interpretation: consider what the passage meant to the original hearers of the Word, the meaning behind what God is saying, and how it connects with the bigger picture of Scripture
- Application: ask yourself how God wants you to apply what you read, in your personal life today
When we think about application, it may look different to each of us. As I read Hebrews 4:12-13 above, I may walk away with an application around praising God for his Word and his involvement in my life. Or, I may find a specific application in sharing his Word with one of my neighbors this week. Still another possibility is that I may see an application in challenging myself to read more or memorize more Scripture. Those are all appropriate take-aways from these verses, and the Holy Spirit will speak to you as you pray and seek him.
A final encouragement
Yes, life as a mom is busy. But it is still possible to get time in God’s Word, to understand it, and to apply it to our lives!
When we consider applying God’s Word to our family life as a whole, there are a few additional action steps that will help us.
- Talk about what you’re learning with your husband. Study together.
- Take your questions to your husband, your pastor, your friends, your kids.
- Pray with other people too!
- Ask your kids questions about what you’re reading.
- Read WITH your kids and husband. Discuss questions together.
Friday Faith Follow-up
Prayer does not need to be complicated or difficult. But it does need to be a regular part of our lives, and our family life at home. That’s why in today’s short bonus episode, we’re looking at a simple and practical way to pray. The P-R-A-Y method will help you grow and deepen your spiritual growth and prayer life! Dive in, friend.
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