What are we talking about today?
I know that as a Christian mom, you want a lot of things for your family – and one of the top ones is spiritual growth. You want intimacy with the Lord. You want to teach your kids who God is and how to love him well. You want your family to be growing with the Lord!
Well, Psalm 19 gives us great wisdom and insight into how to do that. We see so many opportunities here for spiritual growth and family discipleship.
Join me today in our Summertime in the Psalms series as we look at what we learn about God, ourselves, and Christian family life… from Psalm 19.
Let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 88:
If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:
- Episode 26 // Handling the conviction of the Holy Spirit WITHOUT condemnation and WITH an action plan
- Episode 45 // My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work)
- Episode 53 // How the Gospel changes us, shapes our family life, and brings us peace and happiness.
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Dive into God’s Word to work through some of the most common issues in family life. From anger management to marital communication, these devotionals will help you grow closer to the Lord and closer to your family.
Let me also offer a FREE resource that I know will be helpful:
- If you’re working on building a daily habit of Bible reading and prayer, grab my FREE Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge.

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Today's Episode Highlights
Who is God? Who am I? How does his Word help my family live the best life possible?
Let’s take a look at Psalm 19 to answer some of these common questions.
Who is God?
We see in Psalm 19 that God reveals himself. He wants us to know him! He is not trying to be a hidden mystery.
In fact, we see that God reveals himself to all people.
- In nature, we see God’s general revelation – his awesome creative power.
- In the Bible, we see God’s special revelation – his character, values, and priorities.
He is glorious, powerful, and good. Of course, it is in the Bible that we see the more intimate and values-driven side of who God is: He is perfect and trustworthy. He makes us wise and joyful.
Who am I?
Toward the end of Psalm 19, we see a clear description of who we are… and it is definitely NOT the same powerful, perfect Person that we saw God is!
In verses 12-14, we see a few things about ourselves. We see that we are prone to errors. We make mistakes and we don’t even always recognize them. Even beyond our hidden faults, we also commit willful sins.
Who am I? I am a person who does wrong things. A person who messes things up, sometimes despite my best efforts. I am a person who needs God – who needs a Rock and a Redeemer (v. 14).
Take-aways for Christian family life
Of course, there is a lot that we can learn from Psalm 19. For myself, I see 3 big take-aways for my family life.
- I must engage in family discipleship at every opportunity! Everything is an opportunity to praise him, learn about him, and teach about him.
- Although it’s uncomfortable, I must embrace humility in my relationships. I must ask myself… is God’s law more precious than gold TO ME? Sweeter than honey? (verse 10) Have I seen it give great reward? (verse 11) Am I living by willful sins or protecting hidden faults? (verses 12-13) Apart from God’s forgiveness and protection, I am guilty.
- Not only must I draw close to God, but I also have a responsibility to help my family draw close to him. Everything is his and is for him. He sees and knows everything! As a family, we should enjoy God’s creation (verses 1-6), dive into the Bible (verses 7-11), and invest time in prayer (verses 11-14).
A final encouragement
There are several resources from Love Your People Well that can help you in your spiritual growth. If reading through Psalm 19 has been helpful and encouraging for you, check out these additional resources:
- I love to use The Hope Planner to keep my spiritual priorities first and my day-to-day tasks second… without missing them! It has a great layout for me to add notes about discipleship, praise, and prayer opportunities with my family. Check out The Hope Planner.
- Grab a devotional to dive deeper into God’s Word in specific topics related to family life.
- Try the free Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge in order to build your own confidence and consistency of spending time in God’s Word.
Friday Faith Follow-up
Reading God’s Word is good… and praying through it might be even better! Today, we are praying through Psalm 19 as an opportunity to pray for our families. We’re seeking humility, intimacy, and grace as Christian moms.
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