

In Christian Motherhood, You Can’t Do It All… But You Can Do What God Has Called You To Do. // Episode 79

What are we talking about today? Is your to-do list a mile long? Are you stressed about multiple things at the same time and nothing feels like it’s really going that well? Do you place concepts like “productivity” or “success” on a pedestal? This episode is for you, mama.  I have been really challenged by […]

In Christian Motherhood, You Can’t Do It All… But You Can Do What God Has Called You To Do. // Episode 79 Read More »

How To Control Anger As A Christian Mom: Use My 6 Step Process To Stay Calm Even When Kids Are Driving You Crazy // Episode 77

What are we talking about today? Isn’t stress fun? Wait. NO. It is never fun! But, it happens to all of us.  And typically, when we start to feel stressed, we also start to be more easily irritated, less calm, and we experience more conflict or struggle in our relationships. Whether it’s a day-to-day moment

How To Control Anger As A Christian Mom: Use My 6 Step Process To Stay Calm Even When Kids Are Driving You Crazy // Episode 77 Read More »

How Clutter, Cleanliness, And Spring Cleaning For Mental Health Impact Your Christian Family. // Episode 75

What are we talking about today?  I’m guessing that it is important to you that your family enjoys a peaceful home life. That you want everyone to feel comfortable in your home. That you want to be able to look around the kitchen and the living room and everything in between and have a sense

How Clutter, Cleanliness, And Spring Cleaning For Mental Health Impact Your Christian Family. // Episode 75 Read More »

My Top 10 Life Lessons for Loving Christian Family Life and Growing Your Most Important Relationships // Episode 67

What are we talking about today? It’s busy, hectic, and sometimes frustrating… but we all want to love our family life. We want to enjoy our people. We want to find peace and purpose at the end of a crazy day. We want to feel connected with our family.  Well, today I’ve got 10 tips

My Top 10 Life Lessons for Loving Christian Family Life and Growing Your Most Important Relationships // Episode 67 Read More »

What if you’re the only one trying? 5 steps to setting goals and creating change in your family relationships. // Episode 60

What are we talking about today? Whatever your goals are for this year, I hope that you have a high priority on building or maintaining godly family relationships. We sometimes put a lot of pressure on ourselves to create meaningful goals, to stick with our New Years resolutions, or to change problems in our family

What if you’re the only one trying? 5 steps to setting goals and creating change in your family relationships. // Episode 60 Read More »

Want more quality time with your kids? Here are my 5 secret weapons to finding those great bonding moments // Episode 48

What are we talking about today? You want to have great relationship with your kids. Of course you do! But does it sometimes feel like it’s a shot in the dark to enjoy real, deep quality time with your kids? We sometimes try so hard to make it happen, and it’s really frustrating when that

Want more quality time with your kids? Here are my 5 secret weapons to finding those great bonding moments // Episode 48 Read More »

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45

What are we talking about today? How do I stay connected to Jesus when life is crazy busy? This is one of the most common questions that I hear from Christian moms. And I get it! It’s hard to fit everything in and feel like we’re doing it well.  That’s why today, I want to

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45 Read More »

The incredible benefits of writing things down! How journaling, gratitude lists, and using a written planner can strengthen your mental health, spiritual growth, and family life // Episode 29

What are we talking about today? When was the last time you picked up pen and paper? It’s worth doing every once in awhile! Actually, as a Christian counselor, there are a lot of things that I recommend to my clients that involves them writing things down.  That’s not a coincidence. It’s because there are specific

The incredible benefits of writing things down! How journaling, gratitude lists, and using a written planner can strengthen your mental health, spiritual growth, and family life // Episode 29 Read More »

Using time management strategies to boost your relationships: My 3-step process to a successful weekly schedule that strengthens my relationships AND gets the to-do list checked off! // Episode 28

What are we talking about today? Do you feel good about how you spend your time? What about how you spend your energy and emotions? These are precious resources, and we want to give them to the things that matter most: our people! Relationships are always more important than tasks. But when the to-do list

Using time management strategies to boost your relationships: My 3-step process to a successful weekly schedule that strengthens my relationships AND gets the to-do list checked off! // Episode 28 Read More »

How to grab some quick ‘Me Time’ in your daily schedule… without dealing with mom guilt about your self care // Episode 27

What are we talking about today? Mom guilt is real, my friend, and it is no fun. But you know what? It’s also not necessary. What IS necessary is taking time to care for yourself! Whether you think of it as self care, emotional refreshment, me time – whatever you call it, we all need

How to grab some quick ‘Me Time’ in your daily schedule… without dealing with mom guilt about your self care // Episode 27 Read More »