What are we talking about today?
Is your to-do list a mile long? Are you stressed about multiple things at the same time and nothing feels like it’s really going that well? Do you place concepts like “productivity” or “success” on a pedestal?
This episode is for you, mama.
I have been really challenged by the Lord lately in the reality check that I can’t do it all. Even many of the good things in my life and on my priority list don’t actually belong on my priority list!
But I can get done the things God himself puts on my priority list.
Listen in and be encouraged. Let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 79:
If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:
- Episode 22 // Is your busy schedule hurting your family relationships? 3 risks you might not be thinking about… and 3 ideas to find a great balance
- Episode 28 // Using time management strategies to boost your relationships: My 3-step process to a successful weekly schedule that strengthens my relationships AND gets the to-do list checked off!
- Episode 45 // My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work)
- Episode 73 // Dealing with the overwhelming seasons of life: 9 super practical tips to live by GRACE and replace stress with SUCCESS as a busy mom
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Don’t deal with the stress of family life alone – seek the wisdom and care of God! These devotionals are written with the perspective of a Christian marriage & family therapist, a mom, and a wife. Each one dives into common struggles of family life.
Go deep in God’s Word and find the wisdom and encouragement you need for the hard seasons of family life.

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Today's Episode Highlights
I’ve been in a season this past month of reflection. Specifically, reflecting on the one-year anniversary of the Love Your People Well Podcast! This ministry has been such a joy and such a blessing.
But within that reflection, I noticed a pattern in my family relationships that bothered me: a shorter temper with my kids.
You can’t let something like that fly by! You have to pause and figure out why it’s happening and what to do about it.
Well, here’s what I learned, friend, as I spent time with God about these two issues during the course of this past month.
What's going on
As I realized this pattern, I stopped to assess it. In prayer and reflection and thinking it through, several “reasons” for my short temper jumped out to me.
Some are logistical and can’t be changed, like the fact that my triplets recently moved from cribs to toddler beds, so nap time is now far less restful for mommy!
Other reasons are definitely things I can influence. The primary one that jumped out to me? STRESS.
My stress level has been high lately. So, I asked why and dug into that a little bit.
Ultimately, the Lord made it clear that I was prioritizing tasks that were not my actual priorities. They were not priorities for my family.
This was reinforced (the Lord is so good!) the same week in the sermon at my church on Sunday morning! The pastor spoke about understanding our calling from God and responding to it well.
I realized that my calling right now is motherhood. Managing my kids and my home is my top priority. The other stuff is good, and it doesn’t need to completely end, but I was making it a higher priority than God wants right now. I realized that I need to sacrifice the desire to do these other things, in order to press into God’s calling on my life right now.
Helpful Scriptures
In this process, several Bible passages jumped out to me:
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. (1 Corinthians 9:24)
My prize is Jesus. Faithfulness to him and to God’s calling on my life. I need to “run” in a way that prioritizes this – which, right now, means prioritizing my children, my family, and my home.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
Ah, friends. The Lord is so good! Nothing done for him and in his name is in vain. None of the sacrifice, hard work, frustration, or stress is worthless.
Are there things on my to-do list that are “the work of the Lord”? Yes. This ministry is one of them!
But if God is calling me to specific work in my home and motherhood… that is the work that I must stand firm in and give myself fully to.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry,whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
I will admit – at first, there was some grumbling and discontentment with realizing God wanted to me scale back on some of my preferred activities. This is why I was so thankful for my pastor’s sermon on calling!
Whatever I’m doing, if it is pressing into God’s calling in my life, He will give me strength. I can be content. I can trust that his plans are good.
4 take-aways for all of us
My friend, whenever you are feeling similarly overwhelmed or noticing a pattern in your life – the good and the bad! – it is worth applying these 4 steps.
- Be self-aware and seek to notice what is going on.
- Prayerfully assess why that’s happening. What’s helping? What’s getting in the way? What’s influencing you?
- Obey God’s calling and command. Whatever He reveals to you, in his Word or through the Spirit, turn and follow him.
- Trust God’s grace. His plans may not line up with your preferences. But his plans are best. Set the extra things aside, and double down on what He is calling you to.
Friday Faith Follow-up
As I’ve reflected on all of this, I found myself challenged and encouraged by 1 Corinthians 10:11-13. My temptations are not out of the blue, and God always provides a way out! Listen to this quick devotional and be encouraged today. Let’s dive into God’s Word to look at what temptations we struggle with as moms, why we struggle with them, and what we can do about it.
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