What are we talking about today?
When was the last time you picked up pen and paper? It’s worth doing every once in awhile!
Actually, as a Christian counselor, there are a lot of things that I recommend to my clients that involves them writing things down.
That’s not a coincidence. It’s because there are specific ways that writing things down helps us!
Today, I’m going to walk through 5 benefits to our mental health, spiritual growth, and family life that we get by writing things down instead of always relying on technology or texting.
And we’ll take a look at 3 great uses of pen and paper, and how you can use them to help you in your everyday life.
Listen to Episode 29:
[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.]
Snag your resources here!
If today’s topic is meaningful for you, these past podcast episodes may also be helpful:
- Episode 14 // One change to your morning routine that will boost your mood and bless your relationships (spoiler alert… it’s a VERY low-tech idea!)
- Episode 21 // Ignore Pinterest! 7 simple ways to celebrate the people you love… without spending a lot of money, fuss, or time (keep it simple, friend!)
- Episode 28 // Using time management strategies to boost your relationships: My 3-step process to a successful weekly schedule that strengthens my relationships AND gets the to-do list checked off! (pen and paper definitely boost this process)
Another resource for you!
In the podcast episode, you also heard me talk about The Hope Planner. I use this planner and I love it!

This planner is my absolute favorite because it makes sure that I prioritize my relationships first. There is a special section for tracking devotional habits like reading the Bible daily, and each week’s schedule starts with a focus on prayer. (Not to mention, it’s a pretty planner that I like to see on my desk!)
Check out The Hope Planner.
- Finally, you’ll find a great resource in the 5 Tools Every Busy Mom Needs to Move Her Family From Autopilot to Intimacy.
If you’re feeling stuck in a rut with your family relationships, this free email course will help you get out of the rut and reconnect. In less than 10 minutes a day, you’ll walk away with a clear action plan for what to try and how to stay encouraged along the way!
Each day includes a pen-and-paper handout (well… after you print it) to help you really absorb the tool and learn the skill.

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.]
Today's Episode Highlights
A lot of the things I recommend in counseling involve writing things down.
(PS… you’ll get a lot more from listening to the full episode!)
There are 5 reasons that I always highlight to answer this question:
- We remember things better when we write it down. As we see so often in Scripture, God wants us to REMEMBER what He has done. And in our every day lives, we enjoy REMEMBERING our joyful experiences and life lessons!
- Writing helps to clear your mind – less stress, less overwhelm, less anxiety. Things are a lot more manageable when they are out of our head and on paper.
- It helps you clarify your thoughts and process your emotions. It is easier to process things when it’s not all jumbled in our thoughts.
- Writing things down will pull things together in a way that makes action more likely. We SEE the information, idea, or whatever it is. This creates motivation to move forward.
Does that makes sense?
I hope so.
And to get you started, here are 3 action steps that I often recommend in the counseling room – pick up a pen and paper and get started!
- Keep a gratitude list. Every day, write down 3 things you are thankful for THAT DAY.
- Write down your daily schedule, to-do list, or weekly schedule. Write down the priority list. Seeing things in writing is SO HELPFUL. Personally, I love The Hope Planner and I use this for writing out my weekly schedule. (They also have a daily version.)
- Do some daily journaling. This really helps you to process life! Again, The Hope Planner helps me here because every week there is a specific section for sermon notes and/or devotional and prayer notes. I start me week with a written journaling exercise. It’s very helpful.
That’s it, friend! If you love writing things down, let me know – let’s connect on social! @loveyourpeoplewell
Check out The Hope Planner here.
Hey, before you go!
- Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to the podcast, so you don’t miss any future episodes.
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- Did this episode help you? Do you have questions or thoughts about what I shared today? Let’s me know! Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook.
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A reminder of the Disclaimers & Disclosures Policy: I am an affiliate with many of the resources I recommend, which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through my provided links. I never recommend products I don’t love! Also, I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not professional or personal advice to your specific situation. Get info about professional counseling here.