How To Trust God More And Worry Less

Struggling with how to trust God more and worry less as a Christian mom? Jesus gives us 4 helpful things to do.

Wondering how to trust God more?

It’s really easy as a mom to start worrying about my family. There are so many pieces to juggle. And these relationships are so important!

But Jesus is not trying to make family life difficult. He knows that we struggle, and He has the solutions to help us manage the hard things of life and enjoy our marriage and motherhood more.

Today, we’ll look at 4 big things that Jesus tells us to do in the Sermon on the Mount.

Four things that will help us to STOP worrying so much and start TRUSTING GOD more – in the big and the small, the good and the hard.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

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Worry is easy. Trusting God is hard.

It is very normal to worry about the people who are most important to us. Our husband. Our kids. These family relationships are so important!

Sometimes, we worry about things that are small and unimportant. Is everyone complaining about the dinner you made? That’s annoying, but not ultimately a big deal. 

But other times, we worry about things that really and truly matter. We worry about health crises, job losses, and when our kids walk away from their faith. 

These things matter. But does our worrying about them really help?

Jesus tell us to trust God instead of worrying

If we read the Sermon on the Mount, we see quickly that Jesus wants us to live differently than the culture around us. 

And one of those big differences is that we don’t need to spend our time and energy worrying.

Not because we’ll never face trouble or because crises in our family life aren’t that important. No, the reason we don’t need to worry is because we can trust God.

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We can trust that God has everything under control, that his plans are good even when we don’t understand them, and that He has the power to change things. We can trust God – and when we’re tempted to worry, we must.

How to trust God more: 4 things the Bible tells us to do

There are a lot of things in Scripture about trusting God and avoiding worry. But how do we do it? How can we trust God more and worry less?

In the Sermon on the Mount, we find 4 really helpful action steps in Matthew 6.

1. Prayer helps us trust God more.

Prayer is simply talking to God about the things that are important to you. We confess our sins, praise him and thank him, and ask him to help us when we need help. 

And if you’re stuck worrying about your family or tough things, you need his help!

So pray. Talk to him about it. Ask him for what you need. Matthew 6:5-15 gives us a great outline, including The Lord’s Prayer which is a helpful starting point.

The more that you practice putting your concerns in God’s hands, the more He will help you to rest, trust, and continue moving forward.

READ NEXT: The Incredible Power of Becoming A Woman Of Prayer

2. Fasting helps us depend on God.

Evert felt hungry? Of course you have! And when you’re hungry, it’s hard to think of anything else. It’s hard to stay patient and kind… we get “hangry.”

Fasting is outlined in the Bible, and it definitely helps us depend on God for EVERYTHING we need in life. Even things as basic as food and water!

You might want to try classic fasting – fast from a meal, or for a whole day. But, you can also build your dependence on God and your trust in him by fasting from other things that you rely on regularly. 


Maybe you want to try fasting from technology. Or, you could fast from a specific food, like sugar or coffee. If you want to trust God more, try a day without caffeine!

However you start, fasting – as Jesus describes it in Matthew 6:16-18 – is one of the ways we can start trusting God more.

3. Focusing on God helps us treasure him more.

When you aren’t sure how to trust God more, it can be easy to focus on that worry and concern instead of focusing on God himself.

In a similar way, if you’re focusing on the things you value and want – a great marriage, a peaceful home, happy kids – you are likely to start worrying instead of trusting God!

What we focus on shapes what we treasure. It fills our thoughts and begins to guide our actions. 

Are you focusing on God?

Here in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns us that we cannot love money and God at the same time. We can only love one. So, think more about God – his character, his faithfulness, what He has done, who He is – if you want to treasure him and trust him more. 

DEEPEN YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD with the Finding Your Identity in Christ devotional workbook.

Pin for encouragement later!

4. Seeking God's righteousness helps us trust him more.

When you aren’t sure how to trust God more, it can be easy to focus on that worry and concern instead of focusing on God himself.

That’s why I just love the ending of this chapter in the Gospel of Matthew! 

It focuses specifically on worry  – and Jesus reassures us that everyone has the same concerns and needs in life, and if we are seeking God then we never need to worry.

Seeking God’s righteousness is a choice. When the worry pops up, think instead about the glory of God. If you can’t turn off the whirlwind of worry in your brain, make a list of ways you’ve seen God act in your life already. 

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:33-34

READ NEXT: 5 Great Scriptures To Pray For Your Family

The simple answer for how to trust God more and worry less

Just like Jesus says right there in Matthew 6:34 – “Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

We don’t live in a perfect world. Family relationships are meaningful and important, but they aren’t always easy. 

We cannot worry while we’re trusting God. Our brain is either focused on one or the other.

So when that starts to get imbalanced, and you’re wondering how to trust God more, do something that re-focuses your attention onto him instead of onto your problem.

When you trust Him more, you can worry less.

GRAB MY FREE 45-day Bible and Prayer guide to start building your trust in God right away.

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And as they say... sharing is caring!

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