
4 Keys From A Christian Mom Coach To Encourage You Quickly

Some quick encouragement for Christian moms – from a licensed therapist, pastor’s wife, and mom of 4 under 4.

We all need a mom coach sometimes

Let’s face it – some days of motherhood are harder than others.

It’s not only true of motherhood! It’s true in your marriage. Your friendships. Your spiritual life. In every part of life, there are good days, bad days, and everything in between. 

And on those in-between days… let alone on those hard, discouraging, frustrating, emotionally overwhelming days – you need some ENCOURAGEMENT! We all do!

We all need a mom coach from time to time.

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Enjoying Christian family relationships

Friend, I’ve been a licensed therapist for over 20 years. I’m a pastor’s wife. I have four-year-old triplets and a two-year-old who loves to climb (and fall) as if he’s one of them. 

Discouraging days are very familiar around my household.

So today, I want to give you 4 quick encouragements from all those years of experience – in my own home and in the counseling office – so you can take a deep breath, smile in the mirror, and get back to ENJOYING your time with your precious family.


4 Christian Mom Coach Encouragements

Even on your best days, you need encouragement. It’s a normal part of the human experience – we all need community, support, and people cheering us on. 

Sure, I don’t know every detail of your family life. But I do know that it matters to you. Not only that – I know that it matters to God.

And I know that these encouragements are true, good, and helpful. I pray that they are indeed an encouragement to you today!

RELATED: Feeling Like A Burnt Out Mom? Here’s How To Enjoy Christian Family Life More

Your relationships are worth every ounce of effort you put into them.

It’s easy to get distracted by social media, unexpected bills, and conflict with your hubby. The world is busy, loud, and filled with things that can discourage and distract you. 

So when you’re feeling that heat – pause and prioritize. Remember WHO you’re doing all of this for! You are serving Jesus as you love and care for your family. Your marriage, your kids – they are a gift from the Lord, and your efforts matter

When you’re tired, when you’re cranky, when everyone else is cranky… take a deep breath, smile at yourself in the mirror, and focus on the who. Who is this effort for? Think back to happy times and trust the Lord will use every effort you put in!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord… it is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24)

When one person in a relationship makes a change, everyone changes. Just keep going!

Every small step moves you toward healthier, happier, and holier family relationships.

Yes, relationships are hard. But even your small steps make a big impact! When one person in a relationship changes, the relationship itself is forced to change. 

As you start managing your impatience better and fighting that mom anger, your marriage and motherhood are blessed. Your entire home will have more peace.

When you grow closer to the Lord and invest time in spiritual habits like Bible reading and prayer, your identity finds a firm foundation. You can approach your family from a place of purpose and calm.

Hear a mom coach word of encouragement: you might FEEL like your efforts are too small to make a difference, but they are making a HUGE difference!

Yes, you are sacrificing, giving, serving your family… but you matter too!

Your emotions have a big influence on your whole family.

You’ve probably heard the cliche: If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. 

Of course, you don’t want to make everyone miserable just to make yourself feel better. And there is not much value in a “fake it til you make it” approach to family relationships. 

Family relationships are NOT just about how you’re feeling. Marriage, motherhood, family life – these are very important commitments. God is very clear in the Bible that we find happiness by following Him, not by pursuing every whim of what we think we want. 

As you pour into your home, your kids, and your marriage, make sure to consider your own needs. Our kids’ emotions tend to follow our own.. If you’re cranky, they’ll get cranky. But if you are kind, joyful, and patient… the whole household will move in the right direction!

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. (Proverbs 14:1)

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide On How A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

God sees every sacrifice you make for your family. No matter how they might respond, your efforts honor him.

Mom life is 24/7! Family life is busy and it can be hard to get a break. When you think about loving your people well – your husband, your kids, yourself! – it can feel overwhelming.

But you are not invisible.

God sees your heart. He sees your efforts. He is with you in the middle of the night or as you cry in the bathroom. You sacrifice so much for the people you love – and even when it feels like they aren’t noticing, God is.

A quick reminder from your Christian mom coach: Sacrificially loving others is how we love God.

RELATED: A 40-day devotional to help you find more JOY in the journey of motherhood

Consider a few of my favorite "mom coach" Bible verses to bring this encouragement home:

You might not be feeling very grounded in your faith right now. And that will impact how you’re enjoying family life!

Build a daily habit of spending time reading the Bible and praying – it will make a great difference in your life! Grab my free Bible & Prayer guide here to start right away.

  • This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. (1 John 3:16)

  • Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1)

  • Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (Ephesians 5:1)

Be your own “mom coach” and find encouragement in God’s Word every day

When you feel discouraged, overwhelmed, or frustrated by family life, of course you’ll want a word of encouragement from someone who gets it. Someone who has been there. Someone who can help. 

I’ve been a therapist for over 20 years, but not everyone needs a therapist. And with 10+ years of marriage under my belt and the craziness of raising 4 littles ones at home, all day every day, I definitely need my own encouragement!

But that’s how I know that you can be your own mom coach. The Bible is your ultimate source of wisdom, hope, peace, and purpose. 

FIND MORE JOY RIGHT NOW with my 40-day devotional Finding Joy In The Journey of Motherhood.

Let’s close with four ideas for how you can find encouragement yourself on those hard days of mom life. 

  • Memorize Scripture so you can remind yourself of truth whenever you need it.
  • Prioritize Christian friendships who offer encouragement to you, and reach out to them (even if it’s by text) to keep the relationship alive.
  • Be faithful in attending church and connecting with local believers who can give you a hug and join you in prayer. 
  • Create a “media menu” of blogs, podcast, and social media influencers who genuinely give you biblical encouragement and gospel hope.

May God bless your family and help you love YOUR people well today!

GRAB A FREE RESOURCE to help you get started with a daily habit of Bible reading and prayer.

Listen to Episode #209

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And as they say... sharing is caring!

Disclaimers: I am a licensed therapist but my podcast, blog, and resources are not professional or personal advice. I am an affiliate for many of the resources that I link to, and may earn a small commission if you purchase through my link. Read my full disclaimer here.