
13 Great Life Tips For An Exhausted Mom

Every exhausted mom wants to get back to enjoying family life! These 13 tips will help you find your energy and enthusiasm again.

Feeling like an exhausted mom?

We’ve all been there. 

And if you’re here, reading this article, you’re probably there right now. You are an exhausted mom. And friend, I’m right there with you. 

But we don’t want to stay here, do we?

Let’s find some ideas for how to get back where we want to be – with enough energy and enthusiasm for the ups and downs of family life, so we can still ENJOY the journey!

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From one exhausted mom to another...

Every mom has hit that stage of parenting, at some point or another.

Exhaustion. Overwhelm. Stress. Parenting is a lot of work!

And every mom who hits that stage also has the same goal. Get back to enjoying family life again! Bring back the energy and the enthusiasm for it all. 

Well, my friend, these tips will help. I’m in that exhausted mom stage right now, and these 13 action steps have been so helpful! I know they will help you too.

Ready to find your joy again? Let’s dive in.

How to know if you are an exhausted mom

Let’s face it: you’re tired. Sure, that’s one of the warning signs of exhaustion and mom burnout

But of course you’re tired – mom life is always tiring! Even during that first pregnancy, you start to feel it. It’s hard to get comfortable, you’re up all night to pee – and then once the baby comes, sleep is one of the first things to change. There is never enough sleep to go around.

Beyond feeling tired, there are other warning signs that you might be burning out and entering the territory of overwhelm and exhaustion. 

  • Are you super busy, but finding yourself staring into space and doing nothing?
  • Do the kids get to watch tons of TV because you just can’t handle their energy anymore?
  • Is your social media life more active than your love life because it takes less effort?
  • Do you struggle with headaches, stomachaches, and just feel pretty crummy most days?
  • Are you feeling more irritated, easily annoyed, and yelling or crying regularly?

RELATED: Feeling Like A Burnt Out Mom? Here’s How To Enjoy Christian Family Life More

Exhausted moms are more than just tired. Most of the time, it also means that you might not be enjoying things you used to enjoy. You might feel irritable, zoned out, numb, and just not interested in doing very much. 

And when you enter this territory, there is hope!

13 tips to get an exhausted mom more energy and enthusiasm again

Even when life is really busy, I don’t believe that we have to just give in to feeling tired, zoned out, and irritated all day. I want to enjoy my family – and I know you do too!

So over the years, from my decade helping people as a family therapist to my own years parenting a bunch of kids all at once, I’ve figured out a few things that help. 

1. Know your priorities.

Like, know them well enough that you can name them, write them down, hang them on the wall, and remind yourself every day of the only few things that REALLY matter. 

2. Take time to get dressed.

Hopefully, you can also enjoy a hot shower regularly too! But even if you are wearing yoga pants and t-shirts most days (like I am!) you will feel better if you’ve combed your hair, changed your clothes, and put on some real shoes.

3. Perfect your morning routine.

It might only be 5 minutes, but starting your day with an activity that you enjoy can be so helpful. I love my morning routine and prioritize it even above extra sleep! (Usually.)

RELATED: Why I Think The Hope Planner Is The Best Christian Planner

4. Connect with your kids every day.

A quick conversation or activity really builds up that parent-child bond and will help you enjoy the relationship more. I love to read a book with each kid each day, and my husband and I always pray with our kids before bed which is very special.

If you need to, track it on a notecard or whiteboard.

5. Take breaks when you need them.

My kids still take an afternoon “rest time.” Most days, I use that time to catch up on a few chores and work on this blog, my podcast, and this ministry. But during seasons when I’m totally exhausted, I use this time to take a nap, read a book, or just zone out on Pinterest.

RELATED: Helpful Biblical Self Care Tips For A Modern Christian Mom

6. Re-evaluate your diet.

I’m trying to drink more water and eat fewer fried, salty foods. That’s helping my energy level! You might consider what you’re eating, when, supplements, beverages… and how do you feel after eating?

7. Talk to people who love you.

It can be really hard to be vulnerable – but really helpful. Start a conversation with your husband, a friend, your pastor, or even with a counselor. Let them know how you’re feeling. Ask them to pray for you. Relationships make us feel better.

8. Spend more time with Jesus.

This is not lower on the list because it’s less important… but because it can sometimes feel like a cliche, and I didn’t want you to tune it out!

Reading the Bible and praying can feel like a dry routine when you’re an exhausted mom. But stick with it (LINK). Even a few minutes a day can re-center you, and He is the ultimate source of peace, joy, hope, and purpose. 

RELATED: Mom Hacks For Getting A Devotional Time On The Regular

9. Get outside more.

It’s amazing how much the sunshine can energize us! Drink your morning coffee on the porch. Take the kids for a walk. Walk slower while you check the mail. Getting more time in nature is healing, soothing, and energizing.

10. Take your angry thoughts and turn them into gratitude.

When you feel irritable or angry, bite your tongue – and identify something you’re thankful for. Avoiding the harsh word is helpful, but replacing it with goodness is even better! You can say it, write it, text it – just use it as a jumping off point to focus on gratitude for a moment.

RELATED: 13 Secret Weapons For How To Stop Negative Overthinking

11. Compliment your family members every day.

Your kids, your husband… even yourself. It might feel silly sometimes, but giving compliments will boost the relationship, and make you happy that you did it.

12. Sleep more.

You can catch up on chores later, and Netflix is not actually going to improve your life. Sleep will. It might help to practice a bedtime routine… for you and for your kids. Sleep at naptime, go to sleep earlier, and talk to your doctor if you can’t sleep well at night.

13. Pause, breathe, and smile.

When you notice yourself feeling really tired, annoyed, overwhelmed, or stressed, use that emotion as a prompt. Like when your phone rings, your automatic response is to answer it. (Or at least, check to see who is calling.) Let that hard emotion be a signal – to pause.

Tiny moments during the day when you can pause, take a slow deep breath, and smile (even if you’re smiling at the wall) can help your mood turn the corner.

RELATED: How To Stop Being A Grumpy Mom (Even With Cranky Kids)

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