

Wondering If Your Words Matter? 10 Ways To Tear Down Your Christian Family Life Using Only Your Words // Episode 120.5

Wondering if your words really matter? Here are 10 ways to tear down your Christian family life using only your words… what not to do! Your words matter. As we continue looking at how to be a Proverbs 14:1 woman, building up our homes instead of foolishly tearing them down… it’s time to look at […]

Wondering If Your Words Matter? 10 Ways To Tear Down Your Christian Family Life Using Only Your Words // Episode 120.5 Read More »

The Key To A Happy Christian Home: Speaking Encouraging Words For Your Family // Episode 120

Your words are powerful. Let’s look at how they impact your family, and 6 Scriptures to help you speak encouragement for your family every day. Want a happy home life? One of the first things to take a look at is your WORDS. How are you using your words with your husband? Your kids? What

The Key To A Happy Christian Home: Speaking Encouraging Words For Your Family // Episode 120 Read More »

Building Christian Family In Law Relationships When You Just Aren’t On The Same Page // Episode 105

What are we talking about today? Relationships with the in-laws can be tricky. There is often a lot of baggage and emotion in these parts of the Christian family experience, and it can be really difficult to navigate these relationships well! Whether you love your in-laws or tolerate them, you have certainly had moments when

Building Christian Family In Law Relationships When You Just Aren’t On The Same Page // Episode 105 Read More »

Managing the Christian Family Dynamics of Multiple Children: These 8 Strategies Will Help You Connect With each // Episode 101

What are we talking about today? I remember taking walks with my husband in the years before we had kids and talking through “when we’re done with this busy season of life, we’re going to…” and filling in the blank with all sorts of things we wanted to do.  We thought we were busy then.

Managing the Christian Family Dynamics of Multiple Children: These 8 Strategies Will Help You Connect With each // Episode 101 Read More »

How Screen Time Is Impacting Your Christian Family, And What You Can Do About It To Have A Peaceful Home // Episode 83

What are we talking about today? You want a peaceful home, where your family can connect, unwind, and thrive. But how much is screen time impacting that?  We often underestimate not only how much screen time we have, but how it is changing us. And, friend, don’t think that it isn’t changing you!  Today, we’re

How Screen Time Is Impacting Your Christian Family, And What You Can Do About It To Have A Peaceful Home // Episode 83 Read More »

How To Enjoy A Family Vacation Without Sibling Rivalry, Family Conflict, Or A Frustrated Mama // Episode 82

What are we talking about today? Summertime is all about fun family time – so you don’t want to let conflict and bickering ruin it!  With all the effort that goes into planning a great family vacation, you want to make sure that sibling rivalry or changes in the plans don’t throw everything out the

How To Enjoy A Family Vacation Without Sibling Rivalry, Family Conflict, Or A Frustrated Mama // Episode 82 Read More »

In Christian Motherhood, You Can’t Do It All… But You Can Do What God Has Called You To Do. // Episode 79

What are we talking about today? Is your to-do list a mile long? Are you stressed about multiple things at the same time and nothing feels like it’s really going that well? Do you place concepts like “productivity” or “success” on a pedestal? This episode is for you, mama.  I have been really challenged by

In Christian Motherhood, You Can’t Do It All… But You Can Do What God Has Called You To Do. // Episode 79 Read More »

How To Stop Being Passive Aggressive And Start Expressing Yourself With Healthy Communication In Your Christian Family // Episode 76

What are we talking about today? Communication can be hard work. But it’s the centerpiece of great family relationships! And if passive aggressive behavior is present in your relationship, you simply cannot build the intimacy and closeness that you really want.  When we struggle with mom anger, fear of conflict, or anxiety about our relationships,

How To Stop Being Passive Aggressive And Start Expressing Yourself With Healthy Communication In Your Christian Family // Episode 76 Read More »

Self Care Makes You A Better Mom: Boost Your Family’s Emotional Wellness (And Reduce That Mom Anger) With 15 Minutes A Day // Episode 70

What are we talking about today? What do you think about when I say… “self care.” Do you think it’s something selfish? That you’d never have time for it? Is it a buzzword that you’re not really even sure what it means? It is my goal with this podcast and blog that you will love

Self Care Makes You A Better Mom: Boost Your Family’s Emotional Wellness (And Reduce That Mom Anger) With 15 Minutes A Day // Episode 70 Read More »