12 Quick Tips For Keeping This Holiday Season Low-Stress

These 12 tips from a family counselor will help you with holiday stress management, so you can enjoy your family more this year.

Holiday stress management is possible!

The holidays are coming! And sometimes, the overwhelming holiday emotion is… stress. 

But that’s not the goal. You want to enjoy the holiday season! Thanksgiving. Christmas. There are memories to be made. Is stress going to interrupt all of that? 

Not if I can help it! 

Join me today for 12 quick tips to help you manage the stress and enjoy your family more this year.

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The reality of holiday stress

As a family counselor, the holidays are usually one of the busiest times for me as a family counselor. There is more going on – for the schedule, but also for the family.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years… these are special holidays. And special things can ramp up our emotions.

Plus, these holidays usually mean extra time together with family. That can be special and meaningful – but it can also lead to more drama and conflict. No fun! 

Holiday Stress Management Quick Tips

Stress can definitely increase family conflict. It makes us all more irritable and less patient.  Plus, holiday stress steals the fun and joy from the whole experience!

So, if you’re worried about the holidays or already struggling, try these 12 tips for holiday stress management this year.

Tip 1: Say no more often.

This sounds easier than it is. There are a lot of extra events during the holidays, and they all sound fun! But they will strain your schedule and stress you out. Unless it’s a top priority, say no.

RELATED: 4 Ways To Fight Mom Burnout Symptoms With Real-Life Boundaries

Tip 2: Simplify meals.

Maybe you don’t want to simplify the big Thanksgiving feast or special Christmas dinner. But that still leaves breakfast, lunch, and dinner every other day of the month! Keep it simple. Use the crock pot. 

Tip 3: Simplify chores.

Yes, you want the house to look amazing for all of your extended family who will come to visit. But they won’t look in your toddler’s bedroom. Focus on the most visible areas of the home, and do the basics. 

Tip 4: Simplify gifts.

Is Christmas all about the presents? (Spoiler alert… it’s not!) Set limits like a budget, a specific number or gifts, or other limits for your family. Focus on gifts that build quality time and deepen family relationships.

GRAB THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS DEVOTIONAL! With women’s, men’s, and kids’ editions (or a family set) you’ll find the perfect, meaningful gift.

Tip 5: Increase quality time with your kids.

This is what the holidays are really about for families. Spending time together! Enjoying each other. Prioritize that 1:1 time and family time, to boost your mood and re-focus onto what really matters.

Tip 6: Increase physical intimacy with your husband.

Want some to manage that holiday stress? Get some stress relief! Physical intimacy in marriage is more than just fun – it calms and relaxes us. You’ll both feel better. 

RELATED: 9 Hot Tips To Make Sure Your Christian Marriage Intimacy Is Amazing In The Bedroom

Tip 7: Pray about the things stressing you out.

Sometimes, we save prayer for the “big problems” of family life. But God wants a real relationship with you. He wants you to share your heart – and He is the only One powerful enough to truly change not only the things that are stressing you out, but change your heart as well.

Tip 8: Prioritize your real priorities.

There are so many extra holiday events, gatherings with family and friends, and special holiday traditions… no wonder we need some holiday stress management. Label your REAL priorities – God, family, church – and make sure they are first on your calendar.

RELATED: How I Use My Paper Planner To Keep My Priorities On Track

Tip 9: Get time outside.

It might be cold, rainy, snowy… but getting outside is good for your energy, your soul, and your stress. Especially in the sunshine! Statistics show that people experience more sadness and depression during the winter because of less sunshine and sunlight. Get outside and feel better.

Tip 10: Get more sleep.

It gets dark earlier and earlier during the holiday season. So take advantage of it! Sleep helps you feel rested, energetic, and purposeful for the new day. Reduce stress with more sleep.

Tip 11: Drink more water.

Your body needs to hydrate. Statistics show that most people don’t drink enough water anyway. But especially if you’re drinking more coffee, hard holiday beverages, enjoying more sugar cookies, and changing up your eating patterns during the holidays… drink MORE water, not less!

Tip 12: Put away technology! (Especially social media)

I probably saved the most important for last. But it’s also probably the hardest! At the holidays, you can easily spend MORE time on social media and technology. From sharing family photos to watching favorite Christmas movies, tech is everywhere. 

But holiday stress management MUST include your technology! Not sure about it? Here are a few realities of social media:

  • Your phone steals your time… those screen time numbers are always higher than you expect!
  • Social media steals your joy. Plenty of research studies are showing higher rates of loneliness, depression, and anxiety due to time spent on social media.
  • Comparison and jealousy are only stoked by technology and social media… be grateful instead for what YOU have been blessed with!

Want a few ideas for how to set some limits on your technology use? Here are 3 good places to start:

  1. Take family photos for YOU. Not for the world of random social media friends. Make a holiday rule to only share 1 a day, or none at all.
  2. Set specific times for when you’ll go online and what you’ll do during that time.
  3. Get an app for accountability. My husband really likes the Brick device, and it’s cheap and easy to use!

Hm. Maybe I should make a whole post just around social media boundaries and how they’ll help your holiday stress management… Coming soon, perhaps?

Try a few new ideas for your holiday stress management

Please don’t take these 12 ideas as a checklist! That will only add to your stress. As you look over these ideas, pick just a few to try out.

See what works for you and your family. What helps you connect? How do you manage stress in the best way? Try a few ideas and ENJOY your holiday season this year!

Listen to Episode #214

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And as they say... sharing is caring!

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