
Do you have an attitude of GRATITUDE? Let’s look at 6 practical benefits of gratitude, plus 3 action steps to help you be a more thankful person // Episode 51

What are we talking about today?

Do you have a heart of grumbling or a heart of gratitude? (Does that question make you cringe just a bit?)

I don’t care if you are a pessimist or an optimist. Christians are called to be thankful people.

And you know what? In God’s goodness, we experience so many benefits of cultivating a heart of gratitude!

In today’s episode, we’ll look at six of those benefits. When we are thankful people, it improves our lives in so many ways.

And stick around until the end to hear 3 of the most common action steps I recommend in the counseling room to help women develop a grateful heart. Having an attitude of gratitude is worth the effort. 

Let’s dive in, friend.

Listen to Episode 51:

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Snag your resources here!

If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:

  • Episode 29 // The incredible benefits of writing things down! How journaling, gratitude lists, and using a written planner can strengthen your mental health, spiritual growth, and family life.
  • Episode 20 // Finding joy in the Lord during seasons of pain and sadness
  • Episode 37 // Stop comparing yourself to other people! 5 strategies to help you crush comparison-itis, stop mom guilt in its tracks, and build more genuine friendships.

Let me also offer a FREE resource that I know will be helpful:

A big part of developing a heart of gratitude is growing closer to the God who gives all good gifts. Do you have a regular habit of spending time in God’s Word and in prayer? If this is a struggle, you are not alone!

Grab a copy of my FREE Holy Habits: 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge

This free guide provides 45 days of Bible readings, questions to guide your thinking and understanding, and specific prayer prompts to help you feel more comfortable reading the Bible and talking to the Lord. And after 45 days, you’ll have a great new habit to continue on your own! 

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.] 

Today's Episode Highlights

Today, we’re looking at 6 practical benefits that we experience when we focus our hearts and minds on GRATITUDE. (And as always, you’ll get the most from listening to the full episode!)

Let’s be thankful today for these 6 ways that gratitude blesses us. And please know, dear readers and listeners, that I am SO thankful for YOU!

6 practical benefits of gratitude

Here are the 6 benefits that I want to highlight today.

  1. When we are thankful, we are obedient to God. And since we love God, it brings us great joy and satisfaction to follow his commands! Consider Colossians 3:14-16 among many other verses about thankfulness. 
  2. Gratitude improves our relationships. We experience more peace in our interactions with others and a stronger bond with those around us. 
  3. We will find that our mood improves as we become more thankful. Our sense of well being and self-esteem grow as we focus on the good gifts and blessings that we enjoy. 
  4. Thankfulness improves our mental health. We experience less anxiety, stress, and depression when our minds and hearts are focused on the things for which we are thankful. 
  5. Gratitude improves our physical health as well. Research shows that it strengthens our immune system and helps us fight colds and illness. 
  6. Finally, gratitude helps us sleep! This is likely connected to the other benefits – with less stress, stronger relationships, and better physical health, we sleep better.

3 action steps to try

It’s all well and good to say “be more thankful” … but how do we change our heart to focus on gratitude? How do we focus our minds onto areas of thanksgiving rather than anxiety?

Here are 3 action steps that I find helpful:

  • Keep a daily gratitude list. Every day, update it with a few new items. And yes, it really helps to write it down! I love to keep track of lists like this in my Hope Planner because I see it every day and it’s designed to help me focus on God and prayer.
  • Get the whole family involved with a family gratitude jar. Everyone can add a new post-it note, notecard, or scrap of paper each day with something they are thankful for. On a regular basis, gather as a family to read through the items together and praise God. 
  • Have an accountability partner with whom you share your gratitude list on a regular basis. You might send a daily text (or Snapchat…) or grab coffee once a week. Be purposeful to focus on thanksgivings together. 

Are these the only 3 ideas that will help you grow in gratitude? Of course not! But they are simple, realistic ideas that I have seen work again and again in the counseling room, when I’m helping women and families develop a heart of gratitude. 

And don’t forget to grab my free Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge to get you in God’s Word every day. He is the One who will change and grow your heart!

2 resources to help you

I’ve mentioned these already, but let me zoom in before we close.

And p.s. … make sure to join us in the private Facebook Group for ongoing encouragement in growing a heart of gratitude! I suppose that’s another resource that I should have counted…!

Friday Faith Follow-up

Enjoy a quick devotional to follow-up on the topic of gratitude. Here in Episode 51.5 (the Friday Faith Follow-up) we are  opening God’s Word to look at 1 Thessalonians and why God calls us to be thankful in ALL circumstances. 

Listen in, friends, and I’d encourage you to read this short book of the Bible yourself!

Hey, before you go!

  • Join us in our free, private Facebook Group! This community is all about engaging, encouraging, and equipping each other as sisters in Christ.
  • Make sure you Follow or Subscribe to the podcast, so you don’t miss any future episodes. 
  • Share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it: you can text or email the link to her.
  • And hey, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram! @loveyourpeoplewell

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A reminder of the Disclaimers & Disclosures Policy: I am an affiliate with many of the resources I recommend, which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through my provided links. I never recommend products I don’t love! Also, I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not professional or personal advice to your specific situation. Get info about professional counseling here.