What are we talking about today?
How do I stay connected to Jesus when life is crazy busy?
This is one of the most common questions that I hear from Christian moms. And I get it! It’s hard to fit everything in and feel like we’re doing it well.
That’s why today, I want to share a snapshot of my daily spiritual habits that help me stay connected to the Lord throughout the day, and help me disciple my kids without a lot of extra work or things on the to-do list.
Plus, we’ll tackle 3 key take-aways that we all need in our life – whatever season the Lord has us in – that help us stay spiritually healthy every day.
Are you ready? Let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 45:
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If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:
- Episode 39 // Take your thoughts captive to Christ.. but how?! Let’s build our intimacy with God and strengthen our own mental health by practicing 4 key steps to controlling our thought life.
- Episode 29 // The incredible benefits of writing things down! How journaling, gratitude lists, and using a written planner can strengthen your mental health, spiritual growth, and family life.
- Episode 17 // How can I be a good parent? Let’s apply 4 helpful Bible passages to this key parenting question.
Looking to develop a daily habit of reading the Bible and praying?
- Grab a FREE copy of the Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge.
This 45-day plan is designed to help you develop a daily habit. And not just any habit – a holy habit. With specific Scripture readings covering the major Bible stories, questions to help deepen your understanding, and a guided prayer prompt, this free guide will get you started in reading the Bible and praying more consistently.
One more resource to help you!
In the episode, you’ll hear me talk about my Hope Planner. I love this planner! It combines the functions of a prayer journal and a weekly planner (they have a daily planner option as well) and it really helps me stay grounded in prayer throughout the day.

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.]
Today's Episode Highlights
We all know that we should spend our days intimately connected to the Lord. But life is busy, and it’s so easy to get distracted as the day gets away from us.
One of the most common questions I get asked is about how to develop healthy spiritual habits and disciplines as a busy mom.
So, that’s what we’re talking about today!
(You’ll get a lot more from listening to the full episode.)
My Morning Habits
For me, it is critical that I start the day with my alarm clock.
When I’m cozy in bed and snuggling with my hubby, I don’t want to hop up before the sun has even gotten out of bed. Nope. But if I hit snooze too many times, I miss the opportunity for my full morning routine.
My morning spiritual habits include:
- Get up, start the coffee, do the usual hygiene things.
- Spend time reading the Bible.
- Move into my devotional or study, answering some guided questions about the Scripture passage. (If you struggle with this, grab my free Holy Habits 45- Day Bible & Prayer Challenge.)
- Prayer time – I start with a general prayer about whatever is on my mind, and then use my prayer prompts to make sure I’m praying daily for my husband, kids, church, etc. I pull out my Hope Planner to pray over the day ahead.
- Then I review my memory verse before getting in the shower and getting ready for the day, so I can repeat the verse while I’m getting ready.
- If there is time, I’ll listen to a Christian news podcast while making breakfast for the family.
My Daytime Habits
Every day is different, but I always try to include these pieces so that I am purposefully pursuing Jesus and talking about him with my kids.
- We pray before meals with the kids.
- Family breakfast is quick, but we always end by singing a worship song, reading a Bible reading from the kids’ toddler Bible, and praying about whatever we just read. (My kids are little – this takes less than 5 minutes!)
- I try to listen to worship music for a chunk of time during the day, maybe while doing chores, so it’s in the background for the kids.
- With the kids, I talk about spiritual issues as they arise naturally. Things like kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, and Jesus’ character and actions come up every day!
- I also try to pray out loud when I need patience, etc. so that I’m modeling this for the kids. Or I’ll tell them “Mommy is asking Jesus for…” so they see my need for him.
- My “work block” is during the kids’ nap time. I pull out my Hope Planner, pray over the prayer prompts that are waiting for me (I love that part – so I don’t forget and just jump straight to the to-do list!) and get to work.
- Family dinner – usually we’re talking about something that happened and there are theological implications there thanks to our habits and podcast choices, etc.
My Nighttime Habits
At bedtime, my husband and I have started some new habits this year and I’m loving it.
- When we put the kids to bed, we read another Bible story for them from the New Testament and we pray together.
- Once my husband and I are in bed, we each (separately) read the daily reading for The One Year Bible.
- Then we read out loud the devotional from Nancy Guthrie’s devotional: The One Year Praying Through the Bible for Your Kids (which is a companion to the One Year Bible NLT)
- My husband then prays out loud for us, covering our children and our family in prayer.
I love this bedtime routine. Knowing that I’m closing out the day in God’s Word and covering my children in prayer is so meaningful.
The 3 key takeaways for all of us
In every season of life, our spiritual habits will look different. They need to be different! These habits work for me today, as a stay-at-home-mom to triplet toddlers. They will change as my kids grow.
Your season of life is undoubtedly different from mine.
But here are 3 key takeaways that help all of us develop great spiritual habits, to stay connected with the Lord even during our busy days – and to intentionally lead our family into deeper relationship with him.
- Have healthy routines. For all of us, a great morning routine and evening routine can ground our entire day. Family breakfast and dinner routines are also very meaningful times.
- Use a written planner. I love The Hope Planner because of the specific prayer prompts and how it guides my day. But whatever planner you use, write down prayer prompts so that you don’t forget!
- Keep an ongoing conversation with the Holy Spirit. God is with you in every boring, stressful, and totally normal moment of life. So talk to him! Talk out loud or in your head – it doesn’t matter.
Hey, before you go!
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