15 Reasons Why I Love My Paper Planner

As a busy mom, there are always a million things to do. And with my paper planner, my days are so much more enjoyable – and productive.

Does anyone use a paper planner any more?

I wish you could see me jumping up and down over here, waving my hand in the air, calling out, “Me! Me! I love my paper planner!”

Sure, we live in a digital world.  There are a lot of benefits to digital planners, calendar apps, and all the rest.

But nothing will beat the productivity a paper planner gives you. 

Today, I’m going to convince you that a paper planner is THE thing to add to your new year 🙂

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Paper planner VS Digital Apps

I’ve tried a lot of different things in my morning routine over the years, and this one is key: a paper planner.

No matter what your job is or your daily priorities are, a paper planner is a more efficient way to get things done and stay on track.

You’ll find a lot of reasons why this is true as you scroll down. But the main thing to know right off the bat is this: You do NOT have to choose between paper and digital.

Personally, I like using both. It is the combination that really helps me stay on top of things.

Stay at home Christian moms are too busy to waste time

There are hundreds of jobs out there where a paper planner will be helpful. But, I’m writing from my perspective – a stay-at-home mom, Christian mom, running an online business on the side mom. 

With triplets + one more.

I am busy. And guess what? So are you! 

No matter what your days are full of, I’m confident they are full! You are busy, and you want to be productive – AND enjoy your time.

As a Christian, I place a high value on my Bible reading time and my prayer time. And the paper planner that I personally LOVE is designed specifically to make that first in my day. (Check it out: The Hope Planner – I love the daily version.)

But whatever your daily priorities are, a paper planner will help you get there! 

Why I use a paper planner

Let’s stick to 15 reasons, shall we? Yes, I’ve mentioned above that I specifically love The Hope Planner. But these 15 reasons are not specific to that planner.

You can read more about that here: Why I Think The Hope Planner Is The Best Christian Planner

Whatever digital apps you enjoy using, I know that a paper planner will be a VERY helpful addition to your daily life!

1. It's visible.

I like that I can walk by my room and see my paper planner on the desk for a small, gentle reminder of what I’ve planned and prioritized for the day.

2. And it's pretty.

At least, The Hope Planner is pretty! But many paper planners are – and let’s face it, we all enjoy things more if they look nice.

3. Helps me break my phone addiction.

We can so quickly get addicted to our phones. It sneaks us on us. No matter what apps you’re using and how helpful they are, you don’t have to feel empty and naked if you accidentally leave the house without your… paper planner.

RELATED: Feeling Like A Stressed Out Mom? Try These 9 Helpful Tips.

4. No "dings" from my phone... because it's a paper planner.

As I already mentioned, I like a combo method. I do use my calendar app and reminders app – All. The. Time. But if my phone is dinging all day, it looses all meaning.

5. I make the decisions (not an algorithm).

As a Christian, it’s really the Holy Spirit that helps us plan the day well. But the faceless technology gurus definitely should not decide what fills your day!

6. My priorities are FIRST in a paper planner.

You can find tons of options for paper planners, definitely with one that puts YOUR priorities first. For me, as a Christian mom, I love that The Hope Planner puts Bible reading and prayer time at the start of EVERY DAY – and then I can focus on my to-do list, schedule, and meal planning.

RELATED: Grab your free Christian journaling prompts to clarify your own priorities.

7. Checking things off a list feels good.

It’s just true. Don’t try to deny it. Checking a box or crossing something off a list feels good! Hitting the “delete” button does not have the same emotional impact.

8. It models for my kids that not everything in life happens on your phone.

Our kids are ALWAYS WATCHING. My kids see me on the phone all day long, doing dozens of things, but they don’t know what I’m doing. They just know the phone is always with me. Except when I’m using my paper planner!

9. Planning makes the day go more smoothly... and with a paper planner, my kids can SEE that process.

You might know that you’re using your phone to plan your daily schedule. But your kids probably think you’re playing a game or scrolling social media. Show them how you plan a productive day – with paper and pen.

10. It has only 1 purpose in my life.

I use my phone for everything – and so do you. Which means when we pick up our phones, we are easily distracted. When I’m planning my time, I want to focus on planning. That’s it.

11. I can start my day WITHOUT technology.

Technology can be great, but it can also be linked with anxiety, depression, stress, and more. Do you want to start your day with all that pressure?

RELATED: 13 Great Life Tips For An Exhausted Mom

12. Everything that I need is ONE place instead of ten different apps.

My calendar, schedule, to-do list, reminders, notes on priorities or memory verses or meal planning – it’s all in ONE place and I can look at it all at one time. So helpful!

13. Pen and paper helps me brain slow down, so I'm not rushing through life.

There is a lot of research now that shows how using pen and paper impacts your brain differently than using technology. But I really like that I write slower than I type or text. Life is rushed enough without rushing through my daily planning.

14. Physically writing out my day helps it stick in my brain better.

Mom brain is REAL! And physically writing down a reminder, a note, or a task actually helps it stick in my brain longer. Usually, I don’t even need to pull out my paper planner later in the day to remember what’s next.

15. I can flip back through to notice patterns in my life.

Yes, you can scroll through a digital planner or app pretty easily. But seeing the pages turn in your hand, and seeing what got crossed off, edited, or changed over time, can be surprisingly helpful! Paper planners help me notice patterns, which helps me grow over time.

How to pick the right paper planner

Are you convinced? I’ve been using a paper planner for many years now, and it can be hard to remember life without it. 

But, you don’t have to cancel technology from your life. For most of us, the best way to enjoy life AND be productive is to find a combination that works for you. 

If you’re a Christian, make sure that is a priority in your paper planner. After all, it’s a priority in your own life, right?

Try my absolute favorite, The Hope Planner, and see how it helps you shape your days in line with God’s plans for you!

Listen to Episode #223

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And as they say... sharing is caring!

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