Feeling Like A Burnt Out Mom? Here’s How To Enjoy Christian Family Life More

 Feeling like a burnt out mom? Christian family life is hard sometimes. Find encouragement for why it matters and how to do it all well.

No one wants to be a burnt out mom

It’s true, friend – parenting is HARD WORK. A happy marriage doesn’t just happen by accident. Family relationships can stress us out.

So if you’re feeling like an overwhelmed, burnt out mom, you are not alone!

But here’s the really important thing to remember – these family relationships are SO WORTH IT.

Let’s remind ourselves WHY this all matters and find some tips in the Bible for how to do it all well.

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Enjoying Christian family relationships

If you’re like every other mom in the world, your family relationships mean the world to you. 

You want a happy marriage. You want to parent joyfully. And you want to find peace and purpose in the chaotic days of family life!

But also, if you’re like everyone other mom in the world, you sometimes feel completely overwhelmed by it all. 

And no one wants to be a burnt out mom.

What is a burnt out mom?

When you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it can lead to burn out. 

If that happens, you might find yourself: 

  • losing your temper easily
  • zoned out and not engaging with your family 
  • getting emotional and upset at little things
  • freezing up instead of getting things done
  • not enjoying family time
  • avoiding Bible reading, prayer, and fellowship

READ NEXT: The Christian Mom’s 5 Best Bible Verses For Depression

Why do we get burnt out by family relationships?

Marriage and motherhood can be so wonderful – but they take a LOT of work!

As Christians, we know that Jesus tells us to expect trouble and hardship in this world. (John 16:33 is a very clear reminder of this!) But we don’t expect it to happen in our homes and families. 

But… it does. 

Here are a few reasons why our family relationships can be such a struggle:

  • Sin and brokenness is real, and causes pain in our family relationships.
  • Mom life requires a lot of sacrifice – and that isn’t easy!
  • Hard emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness can overwhelm us and be hard to deal with day after day. 
  • You see your family every day, which means you see each other at your best… AND your worst.

READ NEXT: Keeping A Positive Attitude As A (Busy, Tired, Struggling) Christian Mom: 6 Real-Life Tips To Help

Christian family life is hard... but it is SO WORTH IT!

We can’t get stuck in focusing on the negative! If that’s what we’re focusing on, that’s what we will always notice. And that will lead us to mom burnout even faster.

Because here is the truth about marriage, motherhood, and family relationships – the hard work is also holy, worthwhile, meaningful work.

  • These family relationships are biblical and good! God created us in families because it blesses us. 
  • Pouring your energy and care into your family life honors God. It shows the world his goodness. And honoring him is our life’s purpose.
  • These are the relationships with the most potential to bring you joy, peace, purpose, and help you enjoy life! 
  • The effort you put into family relationships has a huge impact on your kids and the next generation. But also, it impacts all of eternity.

Christian family life is part of God's good creation.

At the beginning, God created male and female and made them a family. He brought them together in marriage and told them to have children. Family is a good gift from God and has deep purpose in our lives.

Your care for your family honors God.

Do you want to glorify God in your life? Every Christian is called to do this – and loving your family is a key way to do this! Loving our neighbor is tied directly with loving God. And you don’t have any neighbors closer than your husband and children.

Family relationships can bring you the most joy, peace, and happiness.

Is every moment with your family going to be rainbows and unicorns? Of course not. But these relationships are the most intimate, long-lasting, and important in your life. If you’re going to find happiness anywhere, it comes from a happy marriage and joyful parenting.

Your effort today will last for eternity.

Every ounce of energy that you put into family life will impact your kids. This is the next generation of our world and of the Church. And their souls are eternal! You are shaping the future of your kids’ lives, and your loving efforts with your family make a huge difference.

So what tips does the Bible have for a burnt out mom?

There are some amazing promises in the Bible for tired, overwhelmed, burnt out moms. In fact, they are the same promises we ALL get to enjoy in Christ!

There are hundreds of promises that we could look at. But let me highlight 5 great ones, and then point you to the biggest ACTION tip that I find so helpful in the Bible.

  • When we are weary and exhausted, we can lean on Jesus and find rest for our souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)
  • Your life is hidden with Christ and the more you look to him, the more joy you will find. (Colossians 3:1-4)
  • The peace of God will be beyond your understanding, if you give your anxiety and struggle to him. (Philippians 4:4-9)
  • The Great Commission starts in your home, and Jesus is with you in every single moment to help you make disciples and live for him. (Matthew 28:16-20)
  • No hardship, sin, or struggle can separate you from God’s love, and the Holy Spirit will lead you through it all. (Romans 8:26-39)

My absolute favorite Bible ACTION tip for when I'm feeling like a burnt out mom!

I suppose that I saved the best for last. (Maybe we’ll need a whole post just about this Bible verse!)

But personally, as a mom of 4 little ones ages 4 and under, I can forget about these gospel promises in the stress of the moment. And then, I turn back to Matthew 6. So we’ll close with this action step for every burnt out mom who needs encouragement:

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life… Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:25-34)

This is it, friend! Jesus gives us the KEY to handling those feelings of burnout and overwhelm. 

We worry – it’s human nature. There are so many things to stress about in Christian family life – even in our beloved family relationships. 

But if we seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness… well, He gives us everything we need. 

Everything we worry about. All of the stuff that stresses us out. 

Seek him. That is enough. 

And if you aren’t sure how to do that, grab my FREE Bible and Prayer challenge. Build a habit of reading the Bible, talking with God in prayer, and find the spiritual growth and purposeful identity that you’re longing for.

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Podcast Episode #182

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