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grow your faith as a busy Christian mom

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The Ultimate Guide On How A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
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Mom Hacks For Getting A Devotional Time On The Regular
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4 Good Daily Habits To Strengthen A Godly Mindset

A Devotional Workbook For Christian Women

Dive into 8 powerful biblical truths to find encouragement and deeper faith.

Practical Resources For Your Spiritual Growth

I am an affiliate for some of the resources below, and will earn a small commission if you purchase through my link. Read my full Disclosure Policy.

FREE Christian Journaling Prompts

Dive into Scripture with these free journaling prompts, with Bible readings and reflection questions to help you grow.

Printable Prayer Templates (3-Pack)

This 3-pack of prayer journaling templates will guide you in a regular, meaningful time of prayer and Bible reading.

Finding Your Identity In Christ: Devotional Workbook

Build your intimacy with the Lord and find greater spiritual growth as you dig into these 8 biblical truths about who you are in Christ.

FREE 45-Day Bible and Prayer Guide

Build a holy habit of daily Bible reading and prayer with this straightforward guide.

The Hope Planner

This is my go-to planner to keep life on track. I love that The Hope Planner focuses on Bible reading and prayer to start every day, and then allows for beautiful space to plan out the day.

3 Core Elements For Christian Spiritual Growth


Reading the Bible is essential for your spiritual growth. Hear from God and build your faith. Grab a freebie to help.


Talking to God is a key part of building intimacy with the Lord. Grab a prayer journaling sheet to go deeper.


Family, church, and friends are key for growing your faith. Every relationship matters to God and to you. Find more for family relationships here.

More Areas Of Christian Family Life:

common questions

Christians are people who know, love, and follow Jesus Christ. There are many denominations around the world, but a few core beliefs for all Christians.

  • There is one eternal God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
  • All people have sinned and are saved only by faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:22-23)
  • Jesus will return, and his followers will enjoy living with him forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)
  • Believers live their lives for he good of others, helping those in need. (1 John 3:16-18)
  • Christians share the gospel and disciple others to help everyone know and follow Jesus. (Matthew 28:18-20)

Like everyone, Christian moms have seasons of growth and seasons that feel more dry. But your daily habits and regular rhythms of life impact your faith. Spiritual growth is an ongoing process.

  • Read the Bible every day and seek to understand God’s Word.
  • Pray regularly, including confession, praise, thanksgiving, and requests.
  • Gather with other believers to read the Bible, pray, and share life together. 
  • Join a local Bible-believing church and engage in their programs and events.
  • Ask questions and seek biblical answers.

Every Christian marriage is blessed by prayer! Any prayer that is led by Scripture is worthwhile. And remember, the Lord looks at the intentions of your heart, not the words you stumble over.

Want a few specific areas to pray through?

  • Pray for God’s wisdom and help.
  • Pray for your husband.
  • Pray for your own spiritual growth.
  • Pray through Ephesians 5, Colossians 3, and other Scriptures that are specific to marriage.
  • Pray for your intimacy, communication, and emotional connection.

As you grow in your faith, you will live more and more as God wants you to. This will change your family dynamics and impact everyone around you. Some ways that you will grow include:

  • Greater peace, joy, patience, kindness, and gentleness. (Galatians 5:22-23)
  • More compassion, humility, forgiveness, and love. (Colossians 3:13-14)
  • Your love will be more trusting, hopeful, and protective. (1 Corinthians 13)

Prayers should include confession to God of ways you have sinned, thanksgiving to God for the good gifts He has given, praise of who He is, and requests for the things you need. 

For yourself, you can start by praying for God to work in your life in the areas that are feeling most urgent or troublesome. Pray for greater patience, deeper faith, and a more Christ-like character.

Praying for others is an important thing that Christians do. In fact, the Bible has many great examples of how to pray for others. Alongside praying for the issues that are important today, pray through these Scriptures as a starting place for the people you love.

  • Ephesians 1:15-23
  • Philippians 1:9-11
  • Ephesians 2:14-21
  • Colossians 1:9-14

I am an affiliate for some of the resources here, and will earn a small commission if you purchase through my link. Read my full Disclosure Policy.