
Try This 1 Tip to Stop Mom Anger at the Holidays. Don’t Let Anger, Busyness, or Mom Guilt Steal Your Christmas! // Episode 108

Try this tip to stop mom anger and mom guilt from ruining Christmas

What are we talking about today?

Christmas is full of joy and family memories… and stress! Sometimes, our schedules get so full and our expectations get so high that our emotions can take over. Anger. Guilt. Frustration. 

Not this year, mama. Today we’re talking about why the holidays can trigger our mom anger, what to do about it, and 1 biblical action step to help us ENJOY the Christmas season with our families.

Let’s dive in.

Listen to Episode 108:

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More resources for you!

If today’s topic is meaningful to you, these resources will give some additional support:

Don't let mom anger steal your Christmas

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Today's Episode Highlights

The holidays are always busy. And even with fun things on the calendar, busyness always threatens to steal the joy of a season. 

And beyond busyness, there are high emotions, cranky kids, extra family time, and so much more than can trigger some hard mom emotions!

So, let’s talk about it. And figure out what God wants us to do with those hard holiday emotions.

What gets in the way of enjoying the holidays

So many of us don’t get to REALLY enjoy the holiday season because our hearts and minds are in the wrong place. Instead of focusing on the birth of Christ and the joy of family, we’re busy buying gifts, addressing envelopes, baking cookies, and going to allll the Christmas events. 

I’m tired just thinking about it. 

Yes, it’s usually a season filled with fun events. But even fun events can be tiring events!

And when our expectations are too high, we can’t reach them – and we get often angry or feel guilty about it. What are your holiday expectations? Are they realistic? Joy-giving? Family centered?

Not to mention, when we aren’t clear on our priorities and how to live them out, we fill up our time with stuff that isn’t actually fulfilling and meaningful! What’s on your holiday schedule? Is it really going to ensure you have the Christmas that you want?

What to do so that you DO enjoy the holidays

Instead of focusing our attention on gifts, events, and “perfect” holiday traditions, set your heart and mind on the things of God.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (Colossians 3:1-2)

Where is your HEART during this holiday season? Is it focused on creating perfect memories, or resting in the things of Christ – joy, peace, gratitude, loving sacrifice? 

Where is your MIND during the holidays? Is it distracted by worldly gifts, or centered on the gift of Christ – your Savior, Redeemer, and King?

If you want to truly enjoy the holidays, without giving into anger or guilt along the way, seek to live out Colossians 3. Set your heart on the things above. Set your mind on the things above. Focus your conversations on the true priorities and joys of Christmas. Fill your calendar with life-giving, Christ-honoring events… and skip the rest guilt-free.

Want more encouragement on this topic?

Check out these other episodes for more biblical encouragement and practical tips on this topic:

  • Episode 77 // Don’t let stress trigger your mom anger: Use my 6 step process to stay calm and keep a peaceful home even during stressful seasons
  • Episode 97 // Kids driving you crazy? Try these 10 quick actions to calm yourself down in 90 seconds or less.

And don’t forget to grab a resource or two that will help you LOVE Christian family life!

Friday Faith Follow-up

We looked briefly at Colossians 3, but I want to dive deeper. The verses we talked about can be a bit mysterious! Even if it’s clear enough what it means to set your heart and mind on the things above, what does it really mean that our lives are “hidden with Christ in God”? 

And what the heck does that mean for our emotional regulation, our anger management, or how we interact with our family?

Great questions. Let’s dive a little deeper into these verses together in this short episode below.

Hey, before you go!

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And hey, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram! You can find me at @loveyourpeoplewell.

Hugs & blessings to you, my friend! I’ll talk to you soon.

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