What does it mean that a wise woman builds her house? Let’s find the meaning of Proverbs 14:1, so we can enjoy Christian family life more.

a Proverbs 14:1 woman
How important is it to you to enjoy family life? To feel connected with your Christian family, comfortable in your home, and at peace with those who are most important to you?
It’s almost a trick question, friend. I know it is WILDLY important to you! (Why else would you be checking out this podcast episode??)
As a Christian mom, struggling lately with finding joy and peace in my own home life, I’ve been reading through the proverbs to find wisdom and encouragement. And I’ve been blown away by Proverbs 14:1.
“A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.” (NLT)
Want to enjoy home life? Today we’re digging into what it really looks like to build our homes well, like the wise woman here of Proverbs 14:1.
Let’s dive in.
listen to podcast #114:
resources for you
If today’s topic is meaningful to you, these resources will give some additional support as you seek to love your Christian family well:
- Grab the FREE Christian Journaling Prompts to help you think through what you want your home life to look like and what God desires for your Christian family.
- Building A Home of Godliness and Joy is a devotional workbook that will take you deeper into God’s Word to apply his wisdom to your everyday family life.

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.]
Lately, I’ve spent a good deal of time reflecting on what home life and family life means to me.
Why invest all this time and energy into this place? These people? It seems obvious why family matters so much to us… but do I live my day-to-day life in a way that really shows that? Am I really living out what I believe is most important?
Big questions, my friend! And I know I’m not alone here. You have similar questions!
You want family life to truly matter.
And family life DOES matter! Every minute of time, emotion, energy, and love that you pour into your family matters.
But we have to invest our time wisely.
The reality is, family life matters, but it is also hard work. It is discouraging to pour in time and energy, but relationships still aren’t clicking. And the world around us is so busy, it’s easy to get distracted from the things that are really most important.
That’s where we want to live out Proverbs 14:1.
A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. (Proverbs 14:1, NLT)
Throughout the Bible, it is clear that family is important. Home matters. Your life with these important people is meaningful.
But do we see this in Scripture?
- Yes! Right there at Creation.
Right there at the beginning of creation, God starts with the family: man and woman, with the command to be fruitful and multiply.
- Also, in the Old Testament.
In the Old Testament, God chooses a people to be his “family.” His chosen people. And He builds a home with them, dwelling in the tabernacle/temple.
- And in the New Testament too.
Then, Jesus the Son of God (family!) comes to live and die with us so that we can be adopted into God’s family and live with him in the new heaven and the new earth (home!) forever.
Plus, once we become followers of Jesus, He gives us the Holy Spirit to live in us right away! We are intimately close with God all of the time.
- And if you’re feeling distant from the Lord, try the free Holy Habits 45-Day Bible and Prayer Challenge to find spiritual growth in daily time with him!
biblical principles for our home life
God describes healthy relationships as being compassionate, patient, loving, and more. (See 1 Corinthians 13 or Colossians 3 for some good examples.) If you are going to be the wise woman of Proverbs 14:1, building up your home instead of foolishly tearing it down, these qualities are so important.
Home should be your safe place. And not just yours, but for your whole family! Building your home means creating a place where your people are loved, cherished, and welcomed. A place where they can relax, feel comfortable, and experience care and love.

Over the next several weeks on the podcast and blog, we will dig into some specifics for living out Proverbs 14:1.
What “wise” things should we do to build up our home? How will this look in our day-to-day lives? And what about in the tough moments of family life, when there is conflict or frustration building?
Well, let’s answer a few questions right now:
- What is “wisdom” that helps us build our home? All wisdom comes from God! We seek the Lord, and we try to live out his commands in our home life.
- How might we “foolishly” tear our homes down? Well, we can do this with our attitude, words, time management, lack of boundaries… every woman has powerful influence on her home and family.
be encouraged in your home life
Do you feel discouraged? Frustrated? You may want to give up, or you may feel angry or depressed about how your home life is looking today.
Be encouraged, friend! The Lord delights to give us wisdom when we ask for it. (James 1:5)
Sure, you’ll mess up sometimes. Maybe a lot. I certainly do! But we admit our mistakes, confess to the Lord and to our people, and we try again. We cover every moment of our home life with grace.
And ultimately, the wise woman in Proverbs 14:1 is not building her home from her own strength, creativity, loving feelings, or wisdom. No, the wise woman trusts in God. As we build our homes, as we love our families, we trust in the Lord: his grace, his goodness, his power, and his faithfulness.

Taking A Break, Changing My Perspective, And Finding Joy In My Home Life Thanks To Proverbs 14:1.
The Friday Faith Follow-up on the Love Your People Well Podcast
We’re kicking off a mini-series this week, digging into how to be the wise woman of Proverbs 14:1 who builds up her home… and how to avoid being the foolish one who tears it apart with her own hands.
But before we continue, sit with me for a bit to hear more about how God used this 10 week hiatus in my life (and in this podcast!) and find some encouragement in his wisdom, his Word, and his faithful love.
let's connect
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- Support: My resources exist to help you! Get support with Christian family life.
- Share: We all have friends who need encouragement. Text the link to this episode to a friend who could use the encouragement.
Hugs & blessings to you, my friend! I’ll talk to you soon.
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