Sneaky Ways To Encourage Your Husband On Father’s Day

7 quick and easy ideas for how a Christian mom can encourage her husband on Father’s Day, his birthday, or any day of the week!

Husbands can love Father's Day

I am a big fan of holidays that let me make a big deal about someone I love. 

Birthdays? Yes, please! Mother’s Day? Why, thank you. Father’s Day? You bet!

Everyone wants to be appreciated and celebrated. Dads are no exception. And when your kids are little, the actual celebrating comes from mom. 

But, there can be some problems here.

  • You’re busy!
  • Men often are less vocal to share their needs and wants
  • He’s not your dad… so it might be easier to forget

Whatever gifts your husband might enjoy for Father’s Day, his birthday, or any other celebration, there’s one thing that every Dad needs on a regular basis:


Thankfully, encouraging your husband on Father’s Day or any other day can be quick, easy, free, and very meaningful!

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Encouragement makes a big impact in your Christian marriage

A big part of enjoying Christian family life is the marriage part of it. You want a happy marriage! Both of you want to enjoy each other, help each other, and feel connected.

There are a lot of elements that shape how happy your Christian marriage is – and offering encouragement to each other is a big part of that. 

READ NEXT: 9 Hot Tips To Make Sure Your Christian Marriage Intimacy Is Amazing In The Bedroom

Encouragement can happen in a lot of different ways. Everyone’s personality is different. You need to know what your husband finds most meaningful, and that’s where you can focus your words and actions for encouragement. 

If you are struggling in your marriage, you aren’t alone. That is especially common when you have young kids stealing all of your energy! (And check out some marriage resources that will help.) But don’t wait until things have improved to start encouraging your husband – start today! Your encouragement will be part of the healing process.

7 ideas for how to encourage your husband on Father's Day

... and any other day too!

Even though you are busy, and might have some normal Father’s Day traditions to enjoy, this is still a GREAT time to focus on encouraging your husband!

Try out an idea or two from this list, and see how big of a smile you can get from your husband on Father’s Day. 

1. Give the kids a secret mission.

This is a favorite in our home. And it works great for kids of any age, from toddlers to teens and beyond!

Just tell your kids to say or do something fun for their Dad. My kids are little, and they love to tell Dad special things like “I love you more than apple pie, Dad.” They also enjoy secret missions to tickle him, bring him a favorite snack, or give him an unexpected kiss. Teens might unexpectedly sit down and ask Dad some questions. 

Free. Easy. And fun for everyone, not just your husband.

READ NEXT: 25 Free Ideas For Family Fun Activities At Home, With Toddlers, Teens, Or Anyone In Between

2. Pile him with several small gifts throughout the day.

You may or may not give your husband a special Father’s Day gift from the kids, but it’s easy to give several small gifts. You could space this out all day or make it a surprise as the family gathers for a meal or outing. 

My husband loves bacon – a simple thing that we can enjoy together on Father’s Day. Maybe it’s a note left on his steering wheel, a surprise kiss while you pass each other in the hallway, or a do-it-yourself homemade card from the kids.

Free or almost. Quick. And as long as you remember to give him these little mementos, it’s easy!

3. Compliment him on his parenting.

Does anyone complain about getting compliments? If they do, I haven’t met them yet. 

This is a great way to encourage your husband on Father’s Day! In fact, if you want a happy marriage, I’d encourage you to compliment your husband as much as possible. (Of course, be honest and genuine about it.)

On Father’s Day, this is a great time to tell him some of the things you really appreciate about how he is as a Dad. What do the kids love to do with him? How do you notice him serving the family? What are your favorite things about him?

Quick. Free. Easy.

4. Pray for him - out loud!

Prayer is powerful even if your husband doesn’t know that you are praying for him. But if you really want to encourage your husband on Father’s Day, pray for him out loud. Let him know that you are praying for him, and let him hear you do it. 

You can pray for your husband silently, out loud with him, or even out loud with the kids around. It is a great blessing not only to know that someone is praying for you, but to hear what they are praying about. What an easy encouragement!

Easy. Free. And so meaningful.

READ NEXT: 5 Great Scriptures To Pray For Your Family

5. Compliment him to your kids.

Just like with prayer – you can do this when your husband is around or when he isn’t. It’s meaningful either way. 

When he is around, of course he will be encouraged to hear you complimenting him to your kids! But even when he isn’t around, this will build up their relationship with him, and that is so important. 

You can be simple, with phrases like “Isn’t your dad awesome?!” Or, you can be more specific, like “Wasn’t it great how Dad was able to fix your broken truck so quickly?”

Free. Easy. Probably quick. Definitely worthwhile.

6. Try to do each of the 5 love languages today.

The 5 love languages are not magic or spelled out in the Bible. But they are a great way to encourage your husband! You can almost make this a game, to check-off 5 different ways of showing love to your husband on Father’s Day.

The 5 love languages are:

  • Physical touch – give some extra back rubs or kisses today
  • Acts of service – take care of some of his usual household chores or do something special for him
  • Words of affirmation – yep, compliments matter!
  • Gifts – holidays are definitely a normal time to give a gift
  • Quality time – schedule a special activity with him, or even schedule time for him to get 1:1 with each of the kids… it is Father’s Day, after all.

Easy. Mostly free. And totally up to you how quick or slow it goes.

7. Pull out old photos, letters, or other memorabilia from your marriage or his parenthood and reminisce together.

This is such a fun one! Looking back through your years together can be encouraging and fun for the whole family. I know my kids love to look at old photos and videos. 

On Father’s Day, you could look back at photos from when your kids were first born. You might pull out old cards or notes from previous Father’s Days. On your husband’s birthday or your anniversary, you might look back through childhood photos or wedding albums. 

Free. Easy. But probably not quick, because you’ll have too much fun together!

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Listen to Episode #196

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