
12 tips to spice up your marriage… building intimacy OUTSIDE of the bedroom // Episode 46

What are we talking about today? Intimacy is about so much more than what happens in the bedroom. I’ve been a marriage counselor for over 10 years now, and have seen the power of emotional, mental, and spiritual intimacy… in addition to, of course, physical intimacy! So let’s spice things up in our marriage today, […]

12 tips to spice up your marriage… building intimacy OUTSIDE of the bedroom // Episode 46 Read More »

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45

What are we talking about today? How do I stay connected to Jesus when life is crazy busy? This is one of the most common questions that I hear from Christian moms. And I get it! It’s hard to fit everything in and feel like we’re doing it well.  That’s why today, I want to

My daily habits that keep me spiritually healthy and help me raise my kids in the Lord (without extra work) // Episode 45 Read More »

The key to happiness, intimacy, and healthy relationships: Loving your actual life and your actual people // Episode 44

What are we talking about today? We all want to be happy. Or even, as the Apostle Paul say, content. But how do we get there?  Today’s episode is an encouragement for us all in how to be happy in our life today, our relationships today – even when things aren’t going the way we

The key to happiness, intimacy, and healthy relationships: Loving your actual life and your actual people // Episode 44 Read More »

Stop fighting! My 10-step checklist for conflict resolution in your marriage and beyond // Episode 43

What are we talking about today? Do you enjoy conflict with your loved ones? Of course not! Conflict is no fun… but it is inevitable. And there are solutions.  As a therapist (not to mention a mom and a wife!) I am all too familiar with the pain of dealing with conflict. We all go

Stop fighting! My 10-step checklist for conflict resolution in your marriage and beyond // Episode 43 Read More »

It’s hard to make friends as an adult. Try these 8 tips to grow new, deep Christian friendships. // Episode 42

What are we talking about today? My friend, we are talking about… friendship.  We all want good friends. In fact, I would argue that we NEED deep, healthy friendships to enjoy life to the fullest. But sometimes it seems like it’s harder to develop real friendships as an adult.  Life gets busy. We commit so

It’s hard to make friends as an adult. Try these 8 tips to grow new, deep Christian friendships. // Episode 42 Read More »

Want to strengthen your marriage? Protect, grow, and help your marriage with this counseling activity I use as a marriage therapist // Episode 41

What are we talking about today? Today we are strengthening our marriages, my friend. I’m sharing the details of a counseling intervention activity that I use frequently with couples – and it can help your marriage too, whether things are pretty good, really great, or quite a struggle.  I’ll spill the beans right now: all

Want to strengthen your marriage? Protect, grow, and help your marriage with this counseling activity I use as a marriage therapist // Episode 41 Read More »

Your words are powerful. But are you using them to help or hurt your loved ones? In marriage, parenting, friendships… your words matter // Episode 40

What are we talking about today? Our words are powerful. They can be used for good, bringing healing and encouragement into our family life. But we all know that insults, complaints, and gossip can slip off our tongue far too easily.  Today, we are looking at Ephesians 4 to explore how our words can HELP

Your words are powerful. But are you using them to help or hurt your loved ones? In marriage, parenting, friendships… your words matter // Episode 40 Read More »

Take your thoughts captive to Christ.. but how?! Let’s build our intimacy with God and strengthen our own mental health by practicing 4 key steps to controlling our thought life // Episode 39

What are we talking about today? One of the hardest things to do as a Christian is to “take our thoughts captive to Christ.” And yes, this is in the Bible! Our thought life not only guides our spiritual growth but it also directly impacts our mental health.  As a counselor, a Christian, and a

Take your thoughts captive to Christ.. but how?! Let’s build our intimacy with God and strengthen our own mental health by practicing 4 key steps to controlling our thought life // Episode 39 Read More »

One simple strategy that will reduce your kids’ temper tantrums and help them (and you!) manage emotions better – less anger, less yelling, and MORE bonding // Episode 38

What are we talking about today? “I just love it when my toddler has a temper tantrum” … said no mom ever. We love the happy emotions that come with kisses and giggles, but what can we do about those harder emotions that lead to screaming, kicking, and crying?  That’s exactly what we’re talking about

One simple strategy that will reduce your kids’ temper tantrums and help them (and you!) manage emotions better – less anger, less yelling, and MORE bonding // Episode 38 Read More »

Stop comparing yourself to other people! 5 strategies to help you crush comparison-itis, stop mom guilt in its tracks, and build more genuine friendships // Episode 37

What are we talking about today? Have you ever walked away from a conversation with someone feeling worse about yourself? Comparing your messy life to their seemingly great life? Comparison-itis is no fun, and it’s not helpful for our mom guilt! We’re tackling that today. We’re talking about why this happens to us and 5 action

Stop comparing yourself to other people! 5 strategies to help you crush comparison-itis, stop mom guilt in its tracks, and build more genuine friendships // Episode 37 Read More »