What are we talking about today?
I remember taking walks with my husband in the years before we had kids and talking through “when we’re done with this busy season of life, we’re going to…” and filling in the blank with all sorts of things we wanted to do.
We thought we were busy then. Ha! 🤣
Today, I laugh at that memory. Because the reality is, kids make life so much busier! And the more kids you have, the busier life can get.
Even in a Christian family, relationship-building takes work and intentionality. So this week on the podcast, we took a look at the realities of busy life with multiple kids, and tackled the topic of how to build relationships with each child and manage the dynamics of large family life.
Whether you’re busy with one, three, or closer to a dozen kiddos, these tips (and some wisdom from Ephesians!) will help you connect with each and every one of those children.
Ready? Let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 101:
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More resources for you!
If today’s topic is meaningful to you, these resources will give some additional support:
- Grab the free 100 Ways to Love Your People Well handout.
- Build your primary relationship first with the Finding Your Identity in Christ devotional workbook.

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Today's Episode Highlights
I am passionate about relationships, and I especially love family relationships! The bond between parent and child is so unique and special.
And as a mom of 4, I know how difficult it can be to truly cultivate a relationship with each child as an individual.
It takes time and effort, but it is possible!
8 strategies for building relationship with each child
- Keep track of what you know to be true about each child – their strengths and talents, their struggles and pain points, their love language, how they respond to different types of discipline, etc. Talk about it with your husband. Don’t forget!
- Throughout the day, point out specific things about each child to each child. Compliments that are specific to them, catching them doing something well, etc.
- Set up a routine where each child can join you in various tasks of the day – fold laundry with you, wash dishes with you, etc. Even if they’re just observing and you’re chatting.
- Get a 1:1 connection every day with each child. Maybe it’s a hug. Maybe it’s a short game together. Maybe it’s talking about a quiz at school. Take what you know about each child and try to approach them in the way THEY respond best, not just what is most convenient.
- Invite 1 kid to come along on errands you have to run. Make it fun!
- Have a list of questions ready that you want to ask and discuss with each child. Plan a date night if you need to!
- Have a few questions that you try to ask every child every day. “How was your day” might be fine, but can you get more specific? “How did ____ go at school today” will help you specifically connect with that child.
- Pray for your kids by name – in your personal devotional time AND out loud with them!
Want more encouragement on this topic?
Check out these other episodes for more biblical encouragement and practical tips on this topic:
- Episode 71 // Want great relationships? These are the 3 keys to healthy communication in every interaction.
- Episode 82 // How to enjoy a family vacation without sibling rivalry, family conflict, or a frustrated mama.
- Episode 93 // Parenting tips for the busy mom: 3 ways to love your kids well in the craziness of Christian family life (Foundational Pillars 101)
- Episode 48 // Want more quality time with your kids? Here are my 5 secret weapons to finding those great bonding moments.
And don’t forget to grab a resource or two that will help you LOVE Christian family life!
Friday Faith Follow-up
Family dynamics can be overwhelming and complicated… but they don’t have to be. Join me today as we look at Ephesians 5 and 6 and apply God’s Word to our Christian family life.
Hey, before you go!
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And hey, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram! You can find me at @loveyourpeoplewell.
Hugs & blessings to you, my friend! I’ll talk to you soon.
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