A Christian family counselor’s look at 10 great Bible verses that will encourage and strengthen your home life and family relationships.
What does God say is best for your home and family life?
Nothing will be more powerful for your family relationships than learning and living out God’s Word. Are you reading the Bible regularly and considering how it impacts your home? Your family?
Dive in with me today for 10 great Bible verses that will encourage and strengthen your home and family.
If you want healthy, happy, and holy family relationships, it all starts with the Bible!
And if you want help getting more confident and comfortable reading the Bible, start with my FREE 45-day Bible and Prayer Challenge!
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Reading the Bible to strengthen your home and family
Family relationships can bring such joy. But there can be a lot of pressure riding on these precious relationships!
You want a happy marriage and a close bond with your kids. And God gives us great wisdom and encouragement in how to make this happen. It’s all inside his holy Word – the Bible.
As a Christian family therapist, I know there are hundreds of great Bible verses about home and family life! Every part of Scripture speaks to our relationships with God and with each other.
Let’s take a look at 10 of the best Scriptures for home and family life.
The 10 best Bible verses for home & family
These 10 Scriptures for family relationships at the ones that I turn to again and again as a Christian family counselor. They are so helpful and encouraging!
Plus, let’s be honest. You love your people fiercely, but family life can be overwhelming and exhausting. It can be helpful to know right where to turn in the Bible to find some encouragement and hope for your home.
So let’s look at these Scriptures together, which I think are some of the best Bible verses for home, family, and relationships.
Colossians 3:12-17
There is such richness in this passage of Scripture! Read it here. Starting from the root of your identity – that you are chosen by God, holy and dearly loved – this passage outlines how we should treat each other at home. What does it say?
- Be kind to each other
- Offer forgiveness
- Talk about God, the Bible, and the “message of Christ”
- Have fun together with singing and talking about things that matter
- Be thankful
A great takeaway from this verses is Colossians 3:17 – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Galatians 5:16-26
Read the NIV here. Healthy, happy, and holy family relationships flow from the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. Here are the fruits of the Spirit that you want to define your home life:
- Instead of jealousy and envy, pursue kindness and goodness.
- Replace “fits of rage” with gentleness and self-control.
- Live by the Spirit in every interaction, with joy and peace.
- Show patience with your husband and children… and with yourself!
Proverbs 14:1
This one is short enough that you can read it right here: “A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Yikes! I’ve done a deep-dive series digging into this verse, and there is so much gold here.
The biggest take-away from this simple verse? Be careful, and be intentional, with your family. Your actions matter. Don’t accidentally tear down your relationships. Be intentional to build them up!
READ NEXT: The Ultimate Guide To How A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
Proverbs 31:10-31
This is a famous passage. You can read it here, but don’t be intimidated! The Proverbs 31 woman not only gets a lot done and accomplishes a lot of things… she also has deep, meaningful relationships.
But not because she works and works and works. It’s not about hustle. It’s about having the right priorities. Focus on verse 30: “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the
Lord is to be praised.” Put God first, family second, and all the other stuff can fit in the margins.
Philippians 2:5-11
These Bible verses paint such a beautiful picture of who Jesus is, and how we can be more like him. In fact, this passage starts with a clear command for our Christian family relationships: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (verse 5).
From there, it describes some key elements of what this looks like in your home and family:
- Be humble
- Serve others
- Obey God at all costs
- Praise Jesus and share his Name
What wonderful family relationships you will have when you seek to have the same mindset as Christ Jesus!
Matthew 5-7, especially 5:1-12
These chapters in the Gospel of Matthew make up Jesus’ Sermon the Mount. It is all really helpful for home and family life!
But perhaps the most helpful is the very beginning. This is known as the “beatitudes” and you can read it here. Jesus tells us who is blessed, and if we live this way at home we will enjoy strong family relationships.
Matthew 7:24-27
This Scripture is in two Gospels: read it here in Matthew 7 and here in Luke 6. Jesus specifically speaks to how we build our home and family life: if want to stand firm during the storms and trials of life, we must do what Jesus says. Obedience to the Bible is central to having healthy, happy, and holy family relationships.
READ NEXT: Feeling Like A Burnt Out Mom? Here’s How To Enjoy Christian Family Life More
Proverbs 24:3-4
These two verses are simple and straightforward:
By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
Just like we saw in Proverbs 14:1, a wise woman builds her home. She is intentional. Every word, action, interaction, and priority impacts the strength (or weakness) of the relationships inside her home.
And because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10) you can be certain that when you follow God in your family relationships, you are filling your home with rare and beautiful treasures.
Deuteronomy 6:1-12
Read these verses from the Old Testament, and you’ll find great wisdom for your parenting. God is so clear! Some highlights of parental priorities here include:
- Have a personal relationship with God
- Teach God’s commands to your children
- Talk about spiritual matters with your family
- Be careful to live intentionally, following the Bible
Parenting is hard work, but it is holy work.
Acts 2:42-47
These Bible verses speak to how the early Church interacted, and they can be applied directly to your own family. In our homes, we should be sharing meals together, listening to godly preaching and applying it to our lives, and sharing our lives with one another. This is a joyful home life.
Let these Bible verses for your home and family give you strength
Family life can be difficult, but they can also bring such joy to our lives. God is not trying to trick you or make your relationships harder!
All of the wisdom, encouragement, hope, and help that you need for enjoying your family is right inside God’s Word. These Bible verses for your home and family can help you strengthen your relationships and enjoy the family God has given you.
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