What are we talking about today?
Mom guilt is real, my friend, and it is no fun. But you know what? It’s also not necessary. What IS necessary is taking time to care for yourself!
Whether you think of it as self care, emotional refreshment, me time – whatever you call it, we all need time to rest and refresh. It is a requirement for good mental health, and for strong family relationships.
That’s why in today’s episode, we’re tackling the topic of mom guilt and I’m sharing 4 super practical tips for how you can easily grab a few minutes to yourself during the day. No mom guilt allowed!
Listen to Episode 27:
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Snag your resources here!
In all this talk about self care, you might be thinking “um… sure… but what do I do?”
As moms, we spend so much time thinking about other people that when we do have a few minutes for ourselves, we sometimes get stuck on ideas for what to do!
No more, my friend. Grab your FREE copy of the 51 Self Care Ideas List.
Don’t fill the time mindlessly scrolling your social media account. Use the time intentionally – to refresh your heart, soul, mind, and body.
Two more resources I want to recommend for you…
- Grab the 5 Tools Every Busy Mom Needs to Move Her Family From Autopilot to Intimacy: The Relationship Reset FREE 5-Day Email Course. In only 10 minutes a day, this helpful email course will equip you to refresh and refuel your family relationships.
- In the podcast episode, I mention my absolute favorite tool for planning out my day (including “me time” reminders!) – The Hope Planner. It is beautiful, easy to use, and helps me remember to grab time for myself during a busy day.

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Today's Episode Highlights
Mom guilt is real – but it is not helpful.
The thing is, sometimes a feeling of guilt can be helpful. It might be the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin. It might be our realization that we made a big mistake. Or, it might be a totally unnecessary feeling of guilt that isn’t even appropriate to the situation.
That’s what I mean by “mom guilt.”
I define mom guilt as the emotional experience of feeling guilty about things that should not be guilt-inducing.
This is typically linked with our thought process. We compare our success as a mom to the pictures on social media… and think we’re letting our kids down. We set unrealistic expectations for ourselves as a mom… and feel like a failure when we don’t meet them.
This is mom guilt. It’s normal, but it’s not helpful and it’s not healthy.
Mom guilt is often a big barrier in us taking time for ourselves. We feel guilty if we take five minutes to do our hair in the morning, or if we flip through a magazine while our kids sweep the floor. But we all need time to rest our bodies, refresh our minds, and restore our spirits!
Why is it so important to include “me time” in your daily schedule?
- it protects your mental health
- you are modeling emotional wellness to your children
- it honors your identity as a daughter of the King! He loves you. He cares for you.
If you’re stuck on ideas for what to do with those minute of “Me Time” just grab your free copy of the 51 Self Care Ideas List.
And here are 4 quick tips for how you can add some “me time” into your day – WITHOUT needing to create a whole new routine or change up the family’s schedule.
- Write it in your planner! I love and highly recommend The Hope Planner. Write a reminder to take a few minutes for yourself, and track each day if you were successful.
- Put a reminder in your phone to pop up during the day and remind you to take a few minutes for yourself.
- Put a book or magazine in the bathroom and in the car. Those are the two places we sit and wait most often! Enjoy a few minutes of reading when you’re waiting.
- Add 2 minutes into some normal part of your routine. Pause, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and and thank God for 3 things in your life THAT DAY.
Forget the mom guilt. You are worth caring for!
> Grab my 51 Self Care Ideas List.
> Check out The Hope Planner right here.
And hey, before you go!
- Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to the podcast, so you don’t miss any future episodes.
- Share this episode with a friend who needs to hear it: you can text or email the link to her.
- Did this episode help you? Do you have questions or thoughts about what I shared today? Let’s me know! Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook.
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A reminder of the Disclaimers & Disclosures Policy: I am an affiliate with many of the resources I recommend, which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through my provided links. I never recommend products I don’t love! Also, I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not professional or personal advice to your specific situation. Get info about professional counseling here.