What are we talking about today?
When you decided to follow Christ, the Holy Spirit came to live in you. Let’s not rush past this! It is simply amazing that God lives IN US.
The thing is, a big part of his role in our life is to convict us of sin. Eek. This is not an easy experience… but it is absolutely necessary for our spiritual growth.
But how do we know if we are hearing the Holy Spirit’s voice? What do we do when we feel convicted? How do we move forward?
We are tackling these questions in today’s episode.
Not only will we look at what the Bible tells us about the role of the Holy Spirit, we will build our skills in listening to God and responding to his voice. Along with that, I’ll share a recent personal experience of finding myself convicted of the Lord, and what I’m doing about it!
Hit play, my friend, and let’s dive in.
Listen to Episode 26:
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Snag your resources here!
If this topic is meaningful for you, I know that these resources will help:
- If you want deeper intimacy with the Lord, make sure to download your copy of the Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge.
- If you want deeper intimacy with your family, sign up today for the 5 Tools Every Busy Mom Needs to Move Her Family From Autopilot to Intimacy: The Relationship Reset FREE 5-Day Email Course. In less than 10 minutes a day, you can build the skills you need to reset and reconnect with your family.
And in the podcast episode, I mentioned that I am about to re-commit to using The Hope Planner to shape my daily and weekly prayer time. This is such a great resource!

The Hope Planner is my go-to for one simple reason: it helps me prioritize my relationship with the Lord.
The planner is laid out so that prayer is the foundation to every week. The layout is open and flexible, which I love.
Is The Hope Planner a requirement for a deep prayer life? Absolutely not. But it is a resource that I have found very helpful over time, and which I am excited to dive into today!

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Today's episode highlights
A big part of the Christian faith journey is growing to be more and more like Christ. And a big part of that growth is our conviction of the sin in our hearts and lives.
We all sin. The book of Romans in the Bible is very clear about this!
And Jesus has taken the punishment for that sin! He has cleansed us and made us right with God.
But while we live in this world, in our flesh and in the brokenness of our own hearts and the people around us, we will continue to struggle with temptation and sin.
Now… let’s be careful. The conviction of the Holy Spirit is NOT condemnation! We need to be careful that we are hearing God’s voice, not the Enemy’s voice.
How do we hear God’s voice? We know his Word (the Bible) and what we’re hearing today lines up with the truths of Scripture. We pray… and listen for his response. His still small voice. It will always line up with Biblical truths.
Okay. So we’ve heard his voice. Now what? What do we do next?
- We confess our sin – to God and to people we are close to in our lives.
- We do not allow condemnation to start! Those thoughts are stopped, rejected, and replaced with truth.
- We seek reconciliation and forgiveness where necessary in our relationships.
- And we figure out a holy action plan to move ourselves away from this sin in the future.
Here’s my personal story of a recent conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Recently, the Lord has made me aware of my lack of purposeful prayer time. I talk to him during the day, but intentional prayer time has been lacking during the summer months.
I know all of the excuses… my husband (the teacher) is home… we are traveling and busy … there is no clear routine…
But ultimately, a lack of prayer time is a spiritual issue. Thank you, Jesus, for pointing out this sin in my life!
What did I do about this conviction?
- I spent time in confession with God.
- I processed through what is going on and all of the reasons for my lack of prayer time recently. That was partly practical and partly spiritual! Things like pride, self-reliance, and lack of routine all showed up.
- In that self-assessment, I prioritized something that I can take action on. In this case, I prioritized my lack of routine and an unclear daily schedule.
And here we are with my action plan! I have recommitted myself to using my Hope Planner – which is a Christian planner purposefully designed to help you prioritize Bible reading and prayer in your daily and weekly schedule. It is so great!
> Check out The Hope Planner now!
So far, I’m two weeks in… and LOVING IT. The Lord is so faithful.
My friend, allow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to change your heart and your life. Figure out what’s going on, confess, and then start forward in a new direction.
Hey, before you go!
- Make sure you subscribe or follow the podcast on your favorite player, so you don’t miss any future episodes.
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- Did this episode help you? Do you have questions or thoughts about what I shared today? Let’s me know! Send me a message on Instagram or Facebook.
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A reminder of the Disclaimers & Disclosures Policy: I am an affiliate with many of the resources I recommend, which means I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through my provided links. I never recommend products I don’t love! Also, I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not professional or personal advice to your specific situation. Get info about professional counseling here.