How To Enjoy A Family Vacation Without Sibling Rivalry, Family Conflict, Or A Frustrated Mama // Episode 82

What are we talking about today?

Summertime is all about fun family time – so you don’t want to let conflict and bickering ruin it! 

With all the effort that goes into planning a great family vacation, you want to make sure that sibling rivalry or changes in the plans don’t throw everything out the window.

Today’s tips will help you ENJOY your family trip and create some great memories in the process.

Let’s dive in.

Listen to Episode 82:

If today’s topic is meaningful to you, you’ll also want to check out these earlier podcast episodes that connect with this same topic:

  • Episode 54 // How to enjoy a family gathering without all the family drama, anger issues, and conflict.
  • Episode 48 // Want more quality time with your kids? Here are my 5 secret weapons to finding those great bonding moments.
  • Episode 81 // Creative ideas for summer break, rainy day activities, and everything else to crush the “I’m bored” mom guilt

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Find devotionals for Christian moms to improve family relationships

If you’re looking to deepen your family relationships, make sure to check out our line of devotionals. Each one tackles issues that are common to family life, and each one will get you rooted in God’s Word with helpful take-aways for your family.

Let me also offer a FREE resource that I know will be helpful:

  • If you’re worried about family conflict or sibling rivalry on your family vacation, grab a FREE copy of my 10-Point Conflict Resolution ChecklistWhen emotions get high, just pull out this checklist and follow the steps to stay calm and productive.

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.] 

Today's Episode Highlights

Everyone loves a fun summer trip, but it isn’t fun when we’re dealing with bickering, disappointment, or conflict. 

These tips below will help you avoid the struggles and focus on the fun!

6 tips for your family vacation

  1. Start by identifying realistic expectations… ahead of time. How much time will you spend on a plane or in a car? How realistic is it that everyone will be happy every day? (… not very) 
  2. Plan ahead with everyone’s priorities in mind. You know your family members’ personalities, but talk also about what they each want to get out of the trip. Some may want to relax and sleep in, while others want to get up and do all of the activities. Plan ahead to avoid this conflict!
  3. Have conversations before you go about the priorities of the trip, the budget or souvenir plan, and expectations for rules and consequences. While these things may flow smoothly at home, they will change in a new setting. Talk it through before you’re on the actual trip, so you can handle the ups and downs with clarity and purpose.
  4. Recognize the unique triggers or problems that can occur on summer vacation, and be prepared to handle it. For example, more time in the sun tends to make people more tired… and tired people are often grumpy people. Changes in the sleep schedule or diet may influence everyone’s patience level or how they are feeling. Changes in devotional time or family worship time may also change things like gratitude, peacefulness, or kindness in hard interactions. 
  5. Continue normalcy where you can or where your kids need it. Yes, you’re in a new place with a new routine, but consistency helps everyone handle their emotions better – especially kids! This might be the bedtime routine, types of foods you’re eating, sleeping arrangements, prayer/discipleship routines, or even just your plan for doing laundry. 
  6. Keep the focus on the people & relationships… not the activities or sightseeing! You’ll need to remind yourself, but also remind others, of where the true priorities of the vacation lie.

Friday Faith Follow-up

One of my favorite things about summertime is the extra time and space for family bonding. We all want to enjoy those quality time moments with our hubby and kids! But if we really want them to happen, we need to be intentional about creating the opportunities.

In this short bonus episode, we’re looking at 4 strategies that will help you create those special family moments no matter what you have going on this summer break.

Hey, before you go!

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