What is Christian Forgiveness? The Connection Between Humility, Wisdom, And Admitting When You’re Wrong. // Episode 118.5

When family life is really hard, sometimes we wonder… what is Christian forgiveness really all about? It’s about humility, wisdom, courage – and admitting when you’re wrong.

photo of two people holding hands in a comforting way

One of the hardest things about faith is understanding (and then living out!) Christian forgiveness. It takes so much humility, courage, and godly strength to forgive others! 

Apologizing to your husband and your kids is not easy work. It requires you to set aside your pride, admit when you’re wrong, and seek restoration. 

Earlier this week, we looked at some practicalities of how to apologize and forgive within your home.

Today, in our Friday Faith Follow-up podcast episode, let’s consider together the spiritual aspects of these issues. What is Christian forgiveness? How can we develop a godly character to embrace this part of Christian family life?

Let’s dive in.

Listen to the Friday Faith Follow-up (Episode #118.5):

Extra resources!

If today’s topic is meaningful to you, these resources will give some additional support as you seek to love your Christian family well:

blogpost titled "What is Christian forgiveness? The connection between humility, wisdom, and admitting when you’re wrong"

[This post may contain affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you.] 

As we’ve looked this week at apologies and forgiveness within our home, we have to ask ourselves a bigger question. 

What is Christian forgiveness?

We can quote Bible verses – “Forgive as Christ forgave you” from Colossians 3 is a popular one. And we know biblically that Jesus wants us to forgive others because He has offered us forgiveness. 

But forgiveness is hard! And apologizing, asking for forgiveness, is not easy either. 

Humility: a key element of Christian forgiveness

None of us can apologize or forgive well if we are not growing in humility.

In order to admit we are wrong, it takes humility. And then, to face the person we have hurt or need to come clean with, that takes humility. 

We are acknowledging that we mess up. This is not easy! But ultimately, this is the gospel. We confess that we are sinners in need of a Savior. When you apologize and forgive within your Christian family, you confess that you continue to need Jesus in your lives.

Wisdom: a key element to Christian forgiveness

When your feelings are hurt or you are fuming about something that happened, it takes wisdom to step back and work toward resolution.

What should you say? When is the right time to say it? How should you approach the disagreement, problem, or sin?

We must have answers to questions like these when we apologize (or forgive), but they are not easy questions!

It takes wisdom.

Courage: a key element to Christian forgiveness

As you allow the humility required to admit when you’re wrong, and seek God’s wisdom in how to do this well, you’re still not quite there. 

It takes courage. 

Looking someone you love in the eyes and apologizing is not easy. We worry! How will they react? What will happen? Will our relationship be okay?

But offering forgiveness takes courages as well. You have to trust that God is in control and that He is the judge of the situation. In order to extend grace to someone else, you must be living in God’s grace yourself. 

So really, what is Christian forgiveness?

It’s not really about our emotions, desires, or what is easy. 

Christian forgiveness is about:

  • humility
  • wisdom
  • courage

It’s about God being in control… not us. We let him judge the situation. His Spirit brings conviction, forgiveness, and restoration.

As you seek to fill your home with healthy apologies and holy forgiveness, allow God’s grace to pour out over yourself and your family relationships. 

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Hugs & blessings to you, my friend! I’ll talk to you soon.

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