What does it mean to be a Christian? The 3 things needed to love God well, and 3 impacts on your daily life // Episode 3

Hey friend! Today we are digging into what it means to love God well and why that is meaningful in our everyday lives.

Do you feel close with God? How is your spiritual growth? For most of us, we’ve hit a season where the Bible was confusing, our prayer life felt awkward, and we’ve gotten overwhelmed by the checklist of things a Christian “must do.”

If this is you, sweet sister, lay it down! Lay that baggage at the foot of the cross. 

God gives us only three things that are necessary to love him well. And that’s what we’re unpacking in today’s episode – WHAT does it mean to love God well? WHY is that meaningful in our every day lives?

This is the start of a mini-series looking at the four pillars of the Love Your People Well™ Podcast (love God, love yourself, love family, love others). For each one, we’ll dig into WHAT it means, WHY it is meaningful in your life, and HOW you can do it with practical strategies!

Today, we’re jumping in – WHAT does it really mean to love God well? WHY does it matter?

Listen to Episode 3:

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Daily time with the Lord is the best way to boost your spiritual growth and deepen your faith. Need some help with making that time meaningful? 

Get your FREE copy of the Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge!

P.S. … you may also find my Recommended Resources for Spiritual Growth helpful.

Episode Show Notes

Today, we dig into WHAT it means to love God well and WHY that matters in our everyday lives. 

(But really, you’ll get so much more from listening to the whole episode!)

WHAT it means to love God well: 

  • It means belief in God. Not simply that He exists, but that He is who He says He is. 
  • It means following Jesus into relationship. 
  • It means obedience to God: to his Word and his commands. 

WHY is it important to love God well?

  • He created you! He is your source of life.
  • He pursues relationship with you. He loves you, treasures you, and desires to be close to you. 
  • You receive great blessings from a close relationship with God. Peace. Purpose. Joyful abundance. Only from being close with God. 

Want to be closer to God? To know him better? Get your free copy of the Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge. Don’t wait, friend. Develop a holy habit of intimacy with the Lord.

Let's connect!

Don’t forget to grab your FREE copy of the Holy Habits 45-Day Bible & Prayer Challenge!

If you found today’s episode helpful, you may want to also check out my Recommended Resources for Spiritual Growth.

As a disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not personal advice to your specific situation. If you believe professional counseling may be helpful for you in this season of life, you may find this article on the Love Your People Well website helpful.