This Easter devotional is perfect for women to use individually, or to easily guide you in a family Easter devotional.
For 40 days, spend time in Scripture preparing your heart for the true meaning of Easter. Draw closer to Jesus and walk with him through his ministry, his final week (Holy Week), his death, and of course his resurrection!
What’s included in the 40 Days Of Easter Devotional?
✓ 40 days of different Bible readings focused on Jesus
✓ Daily reflection questions
✓ Prayer prompts for each Bible reading and study
✓ Written to be easy-to-use as a busy mom or to use with your family for reflection and discussion
This devotional is perfect for busy Christian moms who want the Easter season to be meaningful!
I have designed this Easter devotional to help myself focus on Jesus during the busyness of Lent, springtime, Holy Week, and the Easter holiday. It’s easy to get distracted with fun activities at home and church, but I want Jesus to be at the center of it all! Plus, I want to easily talk through the Easter story with my kids.
This devotional is written so that you can use it individually, for your own Bible time and prayer time – OR you can easily use it with your family! Read the Bible passages out loud and discuss the questions. Very easy to use either way.
In this Easter devotional, you will dive into 40 Bible passages focused on Jesus. You will answer thought-provoking questions, notice God working in your life, and enjoy responding to him with meaningful praise and prayer.
About this product
*This is a digital product. Nothing will be shipped.*
You will receive a PDF document with a link to download your full devotional. After downloading, it will be easy to print at home or in a print shop. Or, pull it up on your tablet or phone and work through the devotional electronically.
Make sure to also check out my Easter Story Cards that are easy to use with toddlers, preschoolers, or the whole family!
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