Love Your People Well

Want a Christian parenting coach in your back pocket?

Meet Jess.

I’m so glad you’re here, friend.

Christian family life is wonderful… but it can also take so much work. I love helping women deepen those family relationships so that they can enjoy every minute of it.

Through my podcast, devotionals, blog, and digital resources, I hope to be a bit of the Christian parenting coach you’ve been looking for!

With that phone in your back pocket, you’ll find biblical encouragement and practical strategies for Christian family relationships right here. Real-life-tested, counselor-approved tips, every day, right here.

More about me

Like a Christian parenting coach...

… with a counseling license.

If you ever find yourself discouraged, distracting, or feeling like you’re drowning in motherhood, you’re not alone. 

I was a marriage and family counselor for almost 10 years before I became a mom myself. And it turns out… motherhood really is hard work!

I have often found myself overwhelmed by big emotions, struggling to communicate clearly, and feeling like the little years are moving way too fast. 

You want to soak up those precious moments with your little ones, but it’s hard to balance it all. I get it. I’ve worked through it as a counselor, parenting coach, and a mom myself. We’re here to manage the big emotions, build deep connection with our kids, and keep Jesus at the center of it all.

Pastor's wife & Mom of 4

The Lord uses marriage to grow us, and to grow a family. With the busyness life, it’s easy to get distracted from these central family relationships, but it is possible to get them back on track! 

In the early years of marriage, I found myself surprised by the ways that my husband was different from me. (Of course he is!) We worked together on our faith, our communication, and our intimacy – and God has blessed us with a strong and happy marriage. He’s a pastor at our church and we love encouraging the families around us. 

After years of infertility, the Lord also blessed us with 4 precious little ones: triplets + one a bit later on! I’ve been a family counselor for years, but now as a mom of 4 under 5, I’ve realized in a whole new way how hard (and meaningful) motherhood is.

20+ years as a marriage and family counselor

God never intends for you to walk through life alone. The reality of Christian family life is that it is very meaningful, but also has seasons that are very hard.

In college, I realized what I wanted to be when I grew up: a counselor. But where did I want to specialize? What did God have planned for my life? I took a few years to work and pray, and realized God was calling me into marriage and family counseling. 

All these years later, I still love helping women deepen their family relationships! I believe God created us for relationship, with him and with each other. And it all starts with building and enjoying Christian family life together.

Found of Love Your People Well, your podcast + blog for Christian family life

When my triplets were born, I stepped away from the counseling room to stay home with my kids. What an incredible blessing this has been! 

But I still wanted to help women build stronger family relationships. I wanted to use the experience and skills that God had grown in me as a counselor. There was still a deep desire to minister to others. 

So, I launched my own digital ministry, and Love Your People Well LLC started in 2021! I barely knew what to expect, but I have absolutely loved hosting the podcast, building community, and creating digital resources to help women all around the world build deeper family relationships and enjoy Christian family life more.

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Find devotionals for Christian moms to improve family relationships

Remember that "Christian" part of Christian parent coaching?

Your identity is not found in your family relationships – it is ultimately found only in Christ.

And when you’re dealing with life’s struggles, God’s Word has wisdom beyond anything a counselor, parenting coach, or anyone else could offer.

I’ve written several devotionals to help you dive deeper into what the Bible shows us about Christian marriage, emotions, parenting, and other key parts of Christian family life. Grab the right one today.

like a Christian parenting coach in your back pocket

Just pop in your earbuds, my friend.

All of my best tips for how to enjoy Christian family life are yours FOR FREE every week on the Love Your People Well podcast!

We'll walk together to deepen our faith, manage hard emotions, communicate graciously, and build happy family relationships. Find the podcast wherever you like to listen.

podcast cover art for the Love Your People Well Christian parenting podcast


Relationships matter. In fact, as a Christian marriage and family counselor, I believe that God created us specifically for relationship: relationship with Him and with each other.

In every one of my resources, you’ll find biblical encouragement and practical resources to help you. Family life can be hectic and overwhelming, but it is incredibly meaningful and beautiful in the process!

beliefs & faith

My Christian faith is a guiding force in everything I do. Don’t be surprised that the podcast is filled with biblical encouragement and discussions! Jesus is the center and foundation of healthy, happy, and holy family relationships. 

If you have questions about Jesus, Christianity, or how the gospel impacts family life, just email me!

I affirm the Apostle’s Creed, which you can read HERE. I believe that all people are created by God, broken by the Fall, and in need of a Savior. That Savior is Jesus Christ. When we give our lives to him, He makes us a new creation and fills us with the Holy Spirit.

I believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is true and it is truth. The Bible is foundational for all of life, peace, and relationships. Because Jesus is the Word (see John 1), if we follow him we will follow the Bible (the Word).

I believe that God created us for relationships. We are not meant to go through life alone (see Genesis 1-2). I believe relationships take work, because they are made up of broken people, but they are ultimately our greatest opportunity for joy, meaning, and purpose. I believe relationships are one of our greatest witnesses to the goodness and grace of God.

photo of Jessica Hayes Christian parenting coach and marriage and family counselor