Spoiler alert, mama… your kids are growing up.
Have you thought about the relationship that you want to have with them when they’re older?
Every mom wants to parent great kids, who turn into great adults, who call us regularly and want to spend the holidays with us. But are we intentionally parenting in a way that builds this deep relationship?
The day-to-day realities of raising kids can distract us from the big picture. That’s why in today’s episode, I’m sharing a practical, biblical framework for how to purposefully parent your kids today in order to build a great relationship for the future.
Let’s dive in, friend!
Listen to Episode 24:
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Are your family relationships stuck in a rut? Feeling a little dry?
When life gets busy, it’s easy to get stuck on autopilot. That might be fine with our to-do list… but it’s not good for our family interactions!
Don’t settle for anything less than close connection with your family.
You’ll get a quick email each day with a handy worksheet and a 3-5 minute video training from me helping you learn and apply each tool. All you have to do is show up and commit 5-10 minutes a day to give each tool a genuine effort.
Do you have 10 minutes today to bless your family?

Episode Show Notes
Do you want to have a great relationship with your kids when they grow up? I do!
Be purposeful TODAY about your relationship with your kids.
You’ll get so much from today’s episode. We look at what kind of CHARACTER you want your kids to develop. The Proverbs is a great place to start this list! Then, we look at what BEHAVIOR that character would lead to.
Okay. So we know what we want for our kids. If they develop great character and healthy behavior habits, they will be people we want to spend time with as adults and who respect and value their family relationships.
But how do we build that today?
We focus on 4 things in our everyday interactions with our kids:
- MODEL that character and behavior for them.
- LABEL it for them; tell them why you’re doing what you do
- NOTICE them doing the same thing; give praise and tell them WHY it matters
- SHEPHERD them when they are not living into this … discipline not only behavior. ask questions about WHY they are acting as they are; help them to learn how to confess sin and repent; coach them in labeling their emotions and understanding their own hearts
And a bonus tip! Have a list of questions that you want your kids to be able to answer as they get older. Who is God? What do I believe? Why am I tithing? etc. Build these into your conversations, even when they are toddlers. It’s never too early to start.
>> And hey! Don’t forget to sign up TODAY to bless and strengthen your family relationships with the 5 Tools Every Busy Mom Needs To Move Her Family From Autopilot to Intimacy: The Relationship Reset FREE 5-Day Email Course
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- Spend any time on social media? Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram!
- Email me anytime at Jessica@loveyourpeoplewell.com
As a disclaimer: I am a licensed therapist but this podcast is not therapy. It is not personal advice to your specific situation. If you believe professional counseling may be helpful for you in this season of life, you may find this article on the Love Your People Well website helpful.